Elon Musk



Under California's AB957, a parent could lose custody for not "affirming" whatever their child believes about their gender. Here, the bill author defends this bill, using an example of a 7-year-old who announces their gender doesn't match their sex.



Nine people were shot in San Francisco last night around 9 PM, SFPD reports.

A Cruise self-driving car stopped in the middle of the road, blocking access. A police officer could be heard shouting at the car to move.



R to @jordanbpeterson: Upload here. This platform believes in free speech, provided it does not break the law.



I have now officially been accused of hate speech by YouTube, Let's be clear about this: that is a direct accusation conduct deemed criminal in many jurisdictions. This is absolutely not OK, @YouTube. Not OK.



List of people that have walked on the Moon:

🇺🇸Neil Armstrong 🪦
🇺🇸Buzz Aldrin, 93
🇺🇸Pete Conrad 🪦
🇺🇸Alan Bean 🪦
🇺🇸Alan Shepard 🪦
🇺🇸Edgar Mitchell 🪦
🇺🇸David Scott, 91
🇺🇸James Irwin 🪦
🇺🇸John Young 🪦
🇺🇸Charles Duke, 87
🇺🇸Eugene Cernan 🪦
🇺🇸Harrison Schmitt, 87



Stories like these make me lose hope in humanity. No sane, ethical person can defend the action of denying this woman’s right to live, but I guess that’s why the SC🇨🇦 denied to hear her case.

This won’t just impact one woman now, but set a dangerous precedent

Will you be next?