Elon Musk



R to @elonmusk: According to Obama’s DoJ, the Ferguson shooting was unequivocally self-defense, so the Ferguson protests were – if you believe Obama’s DoJ – based on a false premise.

That’s not to say that other injustices don’t occur, but this does not appear to be one of them. @CommunityNotes



Should Twitter offer a general amnesty to suspended accounts, provided that they have not broken the law or engaged in egregious spam?



R to @wintonARK: It was getting to the point where the minimum impulse bit for a Silicon Valley startup was a billion dollar market cap!



R to @semaforben: As I said, neither I nor Twitter have taken any investment from SBF/FTX. Your article is a lie.

Now, I’m asking again, how much of you does SBF own?



R to @David_Ingram: No. He may have owned shares in Twitter as a public company, but he certainly does not own shares in Twitter as a private company.



R to @DennisCricket_: Haha sorry code release towards end of next week should allow this again



R to @elonmusk: Headline: “Stephen King Tweet Causes My Pillow Sales to Skyrocket!” Lmaooo



World Cup traffic hit almost 20,000 tweets per second today! Great work by Twitter team managing record usage.



R to @elonmusk: On the other @semafor *did* take the SBF money and @semaforben won’t disclose how much SBF owns of them