Elon Musk



R to @EricRWeinstein: It has been really bad. Far left San Francisco/Berkeley views have been propagated to the world via Twitter.

I’m sure this comes as no surprise to anyone watching closely.

Twitter is moving rapidly to establish an even playing field. No more thumb on the scale!



R to @vanschneider: To be fair, there are many people at Twitter working late into the night, for whom I have great respect



R to @semaforben: All public holders of Twitter were allowed to roll their stock into Twitter as a private company, but he did not do so. Your reporting made it falsely sound like he did, when in fact he owns 0%.

For the last time, how much of you does SBF own? Stop dodging the question.



R to @elonmusk: To be direct, the very real concern here is that you have been pushing a completely false SBF ownership of Twitter narrative while effectively being his paid shill.



R to @RyanZohoury: Good point. Conflicts of interest should be made readily apparent to the reader.



R to @BillyM2k: The more I learn, the worse it gets. The world should know the truth of what has been happening at Twitter.

Transparency will earn the trust of the people.