Elon Musk



R to @vincent13031925: Trend is concerning. Fed needs to cut interest rates immediately. They are massively amplifying the probability of a severe recession.



RT by @elonmusk: Falcon 9 is vertical on pad 40 in Florida ahead of launch of the @ispace_inc HAKUTO-R Mission 1 – the first privately-led Japanese mission to land on the lunar surface → SpaceX



R to @EvaFoxU: Exactly. The obvious reality, as long-time users know, is that Twitter has failed in trust & safety for a very long time and has interfered in elections.

Twitter 2.0 will be far more effective, transparent and even-handed.



R to @elonmusk: Good conversation. Among other things, we resolved the misunderstanding about Twitter potentially being removed from the App Store. Tim was clear that Apple never considered doing so.



R to @ashleevance: We are now confident that the Neuralink device is ready for humans, so timing is a function of working through the FDA approval process



Twitter is purging a lot of spam/scam accounts right now, so you may see your follower count drop



As a reminder, tap the stars icon on upper right of screen to switch between latest people you follow and recommended tweets