J.K. Rowling



R to @Ankis1988: Well, I'm about 2/3 of the way through it and really enjoying it, so I hope you will, too!



RT by @jk_rowling: URGENT APPEAL:

These two Kurdish brothers, #FarhadTahaZadeh and #FarzadTahaZadeh from the city of #Oshnaviyeh, risk imminent execution for protesting against the Islamist regime in Iran. Their lives are in danger. We need their names on spotlight of the international community



RT by @jk_rowling: The Islamic Republic of Iran has been removed from the UN’s Commission on the Status of Women!

This is a victory for Iranian revolutionaries who have been facing guns & bullets as they fight this gender apartheid state.

This is the flame of #IranRevoIution lit by #MahsaaAmini



RT by @jk_rowling: Is this what my country & my alma mater have come to? Entitled students stifling #FreedomofSpeech & silencing women & lesbians who want to talk about their rights? Those who have fostered this authoritarian neo-fascist climate have a lot to answer for.



The single biggest assault on the rights of Scottish women and girls in my lifetime and opposed by two thirds of voters. This is @NicolaSturgeon's poll tax.



For weeks I've been thinking 'if I can just get to the end of part six of the book before Christmas I can relax', and an hour ago I GOT TO THE END OF PART SIX. Then I looked round at all the tidying that needs doing and the presents that need wrapping and I've started part seven.



R to @damekatydenise: Those are just my early evening chairs. At 8 o'clock I'll be having them swapped for cocktail chairs. Cope and seethe.



RT by @jk_rowling: Breaking News: #Iran was just expelled from the U.N. Women's Rights Commission. Here is to the Iranian women and girls, whose courage made this action possible. #WomanLifeFreedom



RT by @jk_rowling: Let’s not forget:

1-#AtefehNaemi was 37 from #Karaj. She was arrested during the ongoing #IranRevoIution. She succumbed to torture and lost her life. She was an animal rights activist. Before her death, she had disappeared for 8 days. Her family recovered her dead body later.



RT by @jk_rowling: The Gay Men's Network stands shoulder to should in support and solidarity with Tonje Gjevjon.

Across the world lesbians are being harassed simply for standing up for same-sex attraction.

Homosexual males like us stand with them against this oppression



Link didn't work on last Tweet! "Nicola Sturgeon, the David Cameron of the SNP, has made a monumental mess and, although she can probably see the inevitable disaster that self-identification will be for vulnerable women and girls, refuses to back down."



RT by @jk_rowling: #TaranehAlidousti, an Iranian actress, has just been arrested by the regime.

She had joined Iranian people’s movement against the regime by posing unveiled and carrying a placard that said “#WomenLifeFreedom”, the slogans of the #IranRevoIution