J.K. Rowling



RT by @jk_rowling: “My daughter is the most beautiful movement of my life symphony. I’m proud of her…b/c she is a real human,” says Hamid Alidoosti,the father of prominent actress #TaranehAlidoosti. She was arrested on Dec 17 after criticizing the regime & unjust executions.#MahsaAmini #مهسا_امینی



RT by @jk_rowling: Free and shareable. It's maybe a bad idea to invoke the memory of Nelson Mandela when celebrating a law that will result in the precise opposite outcome to what Mr. Mandela called for with respect to sex-specific prisons and jails. Sometimes the genderists make it too easy



R to @josephjames94: The thing about the solicitors game is everyone can play, JJ. I ignored your 'hyperbolic metaphor' about burning me to death in 2020, but I'm starting to think that was a mistake. What's your solicitor's view on this Nazi accusation? Would they advise you to defend it in court?😘



R to @josephjames94: Okey dokey, JJ, we'll play it your way. Give my regards to your solicitor!😉



R to @josephjames94: JJ, if anybody close to you had your best interests at heart, they'd strongly advise you not to keep handing my lawyers ammunition. Setting aside the burning-at-the-stake tweet you posted about me, which you now claim was a metaphor (and which I ignored, against advice) 1/3



R to @jk_rowling: you've published defamatory statements about me and are compounding the offence by saying I'm encouraging the eradication of a group of vulnerable people. All this came about in the context of you attacking @FredSargeant, a gay rights icon, and wishing for his death. 2/3



R to @jk_rowling: I understand that you and your ilk feel untouchable. I understand that in your own minds you're heroes of unimpeachable righteousness, justified in slurring, defaming and threatening. You were the one who dragged his lawyer into this so, by all means, let's go to lawyers. 3/3



R to @ProfessionalJu2: And I'm grateful for the many gay men like you, Fred and countless others, who've stood shoulder to shoulder with women in the last few years as we fought to retain our rights. We won't ever forget it x



R to @jk_rowling: Ah, a classic example of the s What Have I Done? block. It always reminds me of the way babies think if they close their eyes they become invisible.



R to @ExcelcisPol: I promise I know people like JJ aren't speaking for the whole community. I've been sent messages of support from gay men, lesbians, bi people AND trans people who're disgusted by the behaviour of very noisy and aggressive activists. Thank you, though❤️



RT by @jk_rowling: Pinning this. The words of @hen10freeman, a disabled woman who has every right to expect her intimate physical care to be carried out by only women as she wishes. This is the hill.



Watching Die Hard 2, which I've never seen before. Husband claims 'it's even better than Die Hard 1', but I miss Alan 💔