J.K. Rowling



Deeply disappointed @jessiegender doesn't realise purethink is incompatible with owning ANYTHING connected with me, in ANY form. The truly righteous wouldn't just burn their books and movies but the local library, anything with an owl on it and their own pet dogs. #DoBetter 1/2



And as for this, I'm appalled. This individual actually advocates reading the books because "nobody needs to know". All fine and dandy until you get drunk and accidentally quote one, sonny. "I never did it in public" won't save you when the police see your Hufflepuff socks. 2/2



“Self-described progressive politicians have proved too gutless to advocate balance… marginalised women – in prison, in abuse services, and who require intimate care as a result of disability – who will bear the consequences of their cowardice.”



"Scotland is henceforth a country in which the sensitivities of some sex offenders now trump those of women." -- ✍️@alexmassie



RT by @jk_rowling: The SNP have today sided with the desires of male sex offenders over women and girls who’ve suffered sexual violence at the hands of men. I hope Scottish voters make them pay.



RT by @jk_rowling: My statement on the Scottish National Party’s Gender Recognition Bill which passed today. I was disappointed to see sensible amendments to this bill voted down and believe MSPs need more time to address outstanding concerns.



RT by @jk_rowling: We know that #humanrights are indivisible, interrelated and interdependent. #scotland had the opportunity to set an example on how to address and resolve the tension between rights and manage risks in an effective manner. Yesterday the @ScotParl decided to bypass that opportunity



RT by @jk_rowling: My advice. Don’t justify the unjustifiable. Just say youmade a choice. Picked a side. Decided who was expendable and who was collateral damage. But never tell a survivor of male violence that you feel their pain. Just tell them other things mattered more. And live with your pick.