J.K. Rowling



R to @jk_rowling: I think Strike mounts his own best defence while he's thinking about Madeline, while in the car with Robin. He thinks that 'people use each other all the time' - which wouldn't be my personal view, but it's his best means of justifying his own behaviour to himself.



R to @jk_rowling: I think he's broken in ways he doesn't want to deal with, which makes him compartmentalise to an extent that's increasingly damaging (to himself as well as others) and unsustainable.



R to @jk_rowling: I can't promise he won't make any more lousy emotional choices going forwards, but the IBH is a watershed moment for him. Something fundamental has changed. It's just a shame (for him) it took him this long!



R to @rtaskeeter: I discovered Charlotte Mew while doing my Victorian readfest and she's a definite exception to the rule, I love her work and now own all her poems. I also love Christina Rossetti, as you'll probably have gathered because I took the title of the first Strike from her.



RT by @jk_rowling: #WeStandWithTheWomenOfIran⁩
Women, across the world, see the atrocities committed against women & girls in Iran. We stand in solidarity & love with Iranian women. Hear their voices. Be their voices!
⁦#MahsaAmini⁩ ⁩



RT by @jk_rowling: Huge fires and shootings going on at Evin prison in Tehran RIGHT NOW. Evin is where the Islamic Republic holds many political prisoners. We believe a huge massacre is happening. Please ACT! BE OUR VOICE!



The international community must support these phenomenally brave women. #MahsaAmini #IranProtests2022



The right side of history scrawls death and a threats inside a female students' bathroom in Mexico. Male violence against women in Mexico is among the highest in the world.



R to @blablafishcakes: Not a word of it, and the proof's on Twitter for all to see. It's a truly vile thing to say, though.



RT by @jk_rowling: “We the people of Iran don’t want you to save us, we want you to stop saving the our murderous regime”.
To the leaders of the democratic countries.
Loud and clear, in front of the @UN



Could somebody not blocked by writer and journalist @TinyWriterLaura (she's blocked me) please ask her to show her evidence that I've ever 'demanded' to be included on any Society of Authors official statement, let alone one about the attempted murder of Salman Rushdie? 1/2



R to @jk_rowling: I let 99.9% of bonkers lies about me on Twitter glide past for the sake of my own sanity, but alleging I tried to capitalise on the stabbing of somebody I know, and who's long been a hero to me, crosses a line. An apology and a retraction seems in order. 2/2



R to @jk_rowling: Should be 'included in', not 'included on', of course, but I bet even professional proof readers miss stuff when they're seriously pissed off.



R to @OliverFindlay: I'm sure it will be, but the request for an apology and retraction stands and she'll need to unblock me so I can see it. Alternatively, she can just show me her evidence that I demanded to be included in the statement.



As @TinyWriterLaura still has me blocked, I can only respond to her here. I've never asked the Society of Authors to issue any statement concerning me, whether by tweet, email or letter. You've just repeated the accusation that I 'asked' the SoA to issue a statement. False. 1/5



R to @jk_rowling: Now you use the weasel words 'or maybe your followers' focus.' In the immediate aftermath of Salman's attempted murder, @joannechocolat, the president of the SoA, tweeted a flippant poll about death threats to authors. This was seen by some as a veiled dig at me. 2/5



R to @jk_rowling: I did not tweet about Harris's poll. Nor did I comment on Harris's long, self-indulgent thread about her own problems with stalkers and fans, immediately after the attack on Rushdie. I did ask Twitter support for help with one of several death threats I received that day. 3/5



R to @jk_rowling: You made a false, extremely unpleasant allegation from behind a block and are now complaining that it got sufficient traction that I saw it. I would have been able to address you directly or privately had you not blocked me. We both retain our free speech. 4/5



R to @jk_rowling: Defamation is not free speech. I did not ask to be included in the statement made by the SoA after the attack on Salman, nor do I believe asking Twitter support to take down an account telling me 'you're next' was wrong. I await your apology and retraction. 5/5