J.K. Rowling



R to @jk_rowling: No, Laura, the matter isn't closed. You haven't retracted or apologised for your original assertion that I asked/demanded that the SoA put out a statement mentioning me alongside Salman. On the contrary, you've just repeated it. Twitter is evidently not the place to resolve this.



More appalling, heartbreaking news from Iran. #MahsaAmini #femicide #IranRevolution2022



RT by @jk_rowling: 1)
Mother and sister of Hadis Najafi 20 Yr old Iranian girl who got killed for protesting the murder of #MahsaAmini now broken their silence.
They send me a clip which shows Hadis filmed herself from the street where she joined the protest & talks about her dream.



RT by @jk_rowling: 2)
Heartbreaking to see that how brutality Hadis Najafi was shot in the head and in the chest by Iranian security forces.
Her family told me that Hadis often cried for what happened to #MahsaAmini but little did she know that she would meet the same fate.



RT by @jk_rowling: 3)

Hadis Najafi’s TikTok is full of videos of her dancing.

She got killed in Iran protest.

The TikTok generation is becoming the biggest threat for the Islamic regime.

Her family says that she was a happy person, she had a dream to have a free Iran.



RT by @jk_rowling: The gut-wrenching screams of women and girls in Afghanistan is painful to hear, as the Taliban beat and banned girls from entering a university in Badakhshan province today.

Afghanistan is facing gender apartheid. Taliban barbarism must be stopped.



This is what a principled politician looks like. @AshtenRegan will rightly be seen as a heroine when future generations of Scottish women look back at the profoundly misogynistic legislation currently being pushed through by the Sturgeon government. Public Opinion Polls - For Women Scotland



R to @BrianSpanner1: I would imagine that if a member an MP's own constituency party had been convicted of sending threats of a and violence to Joanna Cherry, that MP might think twice before getting out his dog whistle. But then, I have a very vivid imagination.



RT by @jk_rowling: Only a handful of people will truly appreciate how horrifying this is.



RT by @jk_rowling: A scholarship (including tuition fees and stipend) for Black Britons to study any course at Edinburgh University has been set up in the name of my late, great friend, the novelist Andrea Levy. More information in the link The Andrea Levy Scholarship Please share. Good luck



RT by @jk_rowling: These days I’ve been receiving many videos from inside Iran where schoolgirls & boys knock turbans off clerics as part of anti regime protests.
Removing the turbans of clerics has turned into an act of protest after regime killed hundreds of innocent protesters.



RT by @jk_rowling: We are showing our hair، we are dancing, we are singing and all these activities are forbidden in Iran for us just because we are girls. We break all the discriminatory laws every day. We risk our lives but we know that freedom is not free. We have to fight for it.




RT by @jk_rowling: Unbelievable courage shown by school-girls protesting against Taliban medieval ban on girls education.

Afghanistan’s heroic women & girls have nothing left to lose. They refuse to be silenced in face of mounting Taliban violence and repression.



RT by @jk_rowling: 227 members of the 290-seat Parliament in Iran have called on the Judiciary to issue death sentences for people arrested during the ongoing uprising.
They want to execute innocent protesters who chanted Woman Life Freedom.
The world must stop this act of terror.



RT by @jk_rowling: Iranian women’s fight against the gender apartheid regime of the Islamic Republic is in full swing everywhere in Iran. Women from the northern city of Amol are seen walking unveiled in public.

Support our revolution.



.@NicolaSturgeon continues to ignore public opposition and seeks to push through the Gender Recognition Reform Bill in under two weeks, demonstrating once again that she prioritises the approval of lobby groups over Scottish voters' concerns. 1/2