Jack Monroe - Bootstrapcook



R to @AntheaRogers: I’ve never borrowed anyones Twitter accounts - why would I want to? Quite fond of my own one ta. Good god these people are tedious



Someone once said to me that grief is just love with nowhere left to go, and sometimes that hinterland feels like a lot to try to navigate.



R to @Thehuck_59: I was in an AA meeting. Also, ignore the strange obsessive anonymous accounts. I don’t have any sock accounts. I can barely be arsed with this one, what with the all-consuming bleak and crushing depression right now, let alone manage any others. Tedious asshats 😒



R to @frugally_minded: Nope. Absolutely cannot be arsed. Haven’t had them for years. Things change: imagine that.



R to @BootstrapCook: That article also states that I’m 29.

I’m 34.

Does that also make me a fraud or a liar, or do you see the flaw in using five year out of date snapshots as gotchas yet?



Christmas fancy dress party tomorrow night. Never let it be said I don’t commit to a role.



R to @BootstrapCook: Okay I’ll give you another clue (sans razor blades - didn’t think they were strictly necessary. Plus I’m incredibly clumsy! 🤣👊)



R to @emmaeveritt_art: Need to find my blue contacts and dads old pocket watch to finish it off, but ✅



R to @BootstrapCook: (And air of general menace, although that’s not hard to come by lately 🤣)



R to @The_Anchoress: Channelling my inner ‘do around and find out’. It feels GOOD.



R to @nick_earlski: The past is not my concern. The future is no longer my concern, either. 👊



R to @BootstrapCook: (I’m downsizing outta here anyway, but if ever I needed confirmation that that was the right decision for me and SB in these interesting times, it’s right there… That, and the £3k council tax and the £566 energy bill. Good god I can’t wait to be shot of this gaff.)



R to @BootstrapCook: If the Millionaire Truthers could point me in the direction of where it’s buried, along with the spell to slay the dragon guarding it, I’ll give you a fing finders fee. Gadzooks.