Lou @Lifewithloux

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Apr 21, 2023
No way will she take them to the vets to be neutered, chipped and get their injections. She won't even go to get her prescription and moans about needing to go the the shop. I doubt she's got a pet carrier, litter trays, appropriate food, toys or bedding for them. Plus those things all cost money, a lot of money and she is hardly good at budgeting or prioritising money. They must be terrified. Feel sick for the poor little mites.
Aug 29, 2023
I didn't think l could hate this b anymore than l do, but when there's innocent kittens involved l could punch her hard! 😤
Same, she's vile...she can't even keep herself clean or her house. She can't make herself a meal so what hope have those poor things got of getting fed when they are hungry and regular fresh water. She probably has no idea how many times a kitten needs fed a day...she won't pay for vets to get them vaccinations. She wont buy stuff to flea or worm them. If she doesn't get them spayed and neutered then they could breed and thats not good if they were brother and sister. Where I live a family was selling pups and it turned out the were the pups of a brother and sister and rspca was involved. Just awful. Not to mention the fact male cats spray their scent all over the place if not neutered so her house is going to be stinking.
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New member
May 2, 2023
Ive never commented before, but this has made me so angry, she said the kittens were dropped off in a taxi and the girl was foreign. I’m an animal lover and i have three cats. I can’t even watch this s show of hers any more. I’m done.
I hope one of you do report her. I’m so worried for those poor babies x
Aug 29, 2023
She's beyond stupid...imagine when Alfie and his parents come to visit and see she's got 2 kittens without the proper things they need. No litter tray etc. I know if I was his parents I wouldn't be bringing him back. Cat poo is toxic. We all know Lou is a dirty b and therefore will not clean up after those cats. Who buys kittens without having so much as litter trays and food in for them. If Alfies parents were looking for a reason to stop Lous visits she just given them one and it serves the stupid cow right. Irresponsible isn't the word.
Aug 29, 2023
Is she even allowed pets there
We will soon find out the next time her support workers visit. I hope she's not allowed and has to rehome them. Any home would be better than living with her. Especially if her workers visit and she's not got all the things the kittens need. Her priorities should be getting herself sorted and kids back in her life, even of its supervised visits...not getting 2 cats. Selfish b
Aug 29, 2023
Can't believe what I'm seeing. Not 1 but 2 kittens! Those poor poor animals. The RSPCA will be getting informed first thing in the morning. Is she begging for food for them already??
God knows what drugs she has lying around that pigsty too. Scummy t.
She's got no food for them, no litter tray...absolutely nothing. Most people get all the stuff before they get a pet but not Lou...gets 2 kittens before she's got a single thing they need. Think someone said she was defrosting chicken out the freezer (that she said defrosted and she refroze the other day cos she left the door open!) Poor kittens, that's going to make them so ill. I feel so upset for those poor defenceless kittens. Thank you for reporting her, I don't have her address or I'd be reporting her too.
Aug 29, 2023
Does anyone know how to contact her housing scheme, support workers or drug workers etc cos I'd happily call them and report her as i won't need her address for that. You don't get pets without buying all the things you need to look after them. They need to know. She's not responsible enough to look after those kittens. It's cruel, and they are going to suffer.

Stes glamdad

Aug 17, 2023
And report her to the housing too if you have her address
Does anyone know how to contact her housing scheme, support workers or drug workers etc cos I'd happily call them and report her as i won't need her address for that. You don't get pets without buying all the things you need to look after them. They need to know. She's not responsible enough to look after those kittens. It's cruel, and they are going to suffer.
I have no idea but worried to death for those kittens
Aug 29, 2023
I could actually cry for those little kittens. Having an animal is like having a child. They need fed and nurtured. If I lived near her I'd contemplate going to get them. Breathing in all that smoke and her falling asleep randomly. They need loved and training. This is so wrong
It's beyond despicable...all these people who go on her lives supporting her and trying to offer advice need to STOP. She doesn't listen to them and will never change. She cares about herself and that will all she will ever care about. Her kids she couldn't look after properly, those kittens have absolutely no chance...they can't ask for help.
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