Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela

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Mar 2, 2024

Chicken wings

Mar 1, 2024
A while ago I saw a video one of his work colleagues posted can’t remember where it might of been Fb, they was sat in the bin lorry and sedat was in his phone, his mate was video him taking the piss, the look sedat gave and said he didn’t like it I presume he doesn’t like been recorded

Chicken wings

Mar 1, 2024
What does she have that we are all jealous of??? Why is it that they think we are jealous of her? Her nursing home? Sitting around with her family and ring lights all eating like they’ve never seen food before?? What’s there to be jealous of ?? Her “fans” are her biggest downfall
I can honestly say I am so jealous of her and her family, I wish I lived her life I really do, I live such a sad life, have a business, modern home, don’t beg, never have exposed my children and never will expose my grandchildren, never turned my back on any of my family, don’t eat like feral animals, have table manners don’t take ring lights and set up recording everything, talking absolute crap, sat all night getting drunk block and deleting people for having a different opinion, don’t make out I am someone I am not, don’t lie. So yes I am so jealous 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 would rather stick pins in my eyes then have that life they have 😂😂😂
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Mar 1, 2024
She just isn’t self aware. We’ve only ever said her house looks like a care home. We’re not jealous. The issue is you exploit your child for money and you sell s to your minions that you don’t really endorse and you’re not very nice. It’s an act. You have also lied about how you’ve lost weight and are misleading people who follow you. And, you’re a narcissist that isn’t very smart and you’re not nice to your husband. You get called out and that’s the reason. And, you beg for freebies. And, you want constant validation given you are a narcissist and your poor family have to play into this nonsense or you might have a temper tantrum. You actually don’t care about people. And, no we don’t comment on your so called pregnant belly. And, WE ARE ALLOWED TO HAVE OPINIONS AND YOU DELETE AND BLOCK PEOPLE. Get off SM if you can’t handle it.
No one thinks she’s pregnant 🤣 Never seen a single comment saying that. Just her farming for sympathy so people reassure her she doesn’t look bigger. She has put on weight in the past couple of years, but that’s because she eats cakes and croissants on a daily basis and has a calorie surplus. If she doesn’t want to put on weight she can stop eating so many cakes/double cream etc. and exercise more instead of moaning about it.


Mar 1, 2024
A while ago I saw a video one of his work colleagues posted can’t remember where it might of been Fb, they was sat in the bin lorry and sedat was in his phone, his mate was video him taking the piss, the look sedat gave and said he didn’t like it I presume he doesn’t like been recorded
Bet they take the piss out of him because of his embarrassing and silly wife and all her dumb videos


Mar 1, 2024
What I saw it looks like it, and he hasn’t any friends at all, you always make work mates and have Xmas do’s and meet up but he seems to be only aloud out with hairy chippy tits
Bet she’s super controlling and doesn’t let him go out much… Even at home he has her parents supervising him when she’s out of the house 👀
Mar 10, 2024
Are you lot on tattle or do we stick to here mostly? Asking since here is more of the reddit folk which tattle wasnt goin along with at times 😬 they made a snark forum for the darlings lady sil 🤣 i just find it funny since the kukilander does NOT GAF🤣 shes in her mad robe with mad hair disgustinly mming and liking hate comments shes like 50-55 she dont care😂 what do you all think lol
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