Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela

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Mar 6, 2024
Kukoo is in Turkey!
Screenshot_20240311_145539_Samsung Internet.jpg
hahahaa the resemblance 😂😂


Mar 6, 2024
Yes that’s true, but again only within the FYP feed! So whenever Seagull or Hairy’s video pop up on my feed, I quickly scroll past before it gets to 5 seconds, so it doesn’t count towards payment for them. Then I’ll just go to their page later and watch the video(s). Then I come here and snark with you all lovelies 🥰
I do the exact same 🤣

Twoll 😝

Mar 9, 2024
Are you lot on tattle or do we stick to here mostly? Asking since here is more of the reddit folk which tattle wasnt goin along with at times 😬 they made a snark forum for the darlings lady sil 🤣 i just find it funny since the kukilander does NOT GAF🤣 shes in her mad robe with mad hair disgustinly mming and liking hate comments shes like 50-55 she dont care😂 what do you all think lol
I’m only here and the Tattlers are dropping the ball
Mar 10, 2024
i think the SIL is manic and quite odd ... always shimmying while eating ... makes me so angry shes always complaining about money but went on several trips ... i dont know how her husband puts up with her as he seems quite chill. always going on "work trips" i wonder what he does
For sure. Idk i personally dont care about her that much i find her more annoying than fun to snark on i guess. But recently ive seen her starting to go over board with her "quirk"🤢. The whole fam is a social experiment maybe she does deserve the tattles tail
Mar 7, 2024
What does she have that we are all jealous of??? Why is it that they think we are jealous of her? Her nursing home? Sitting around with her family and ring lights all eating like they’ve never seen food before?? What’s there to be jealous of ?? Her “fans” are her biggest downfall
Is that poor girl ever not in front of that ipad

Twoll 😝

Mar 9, 2024
Wouldn’t dream of serving my husband left over chips, seriously who would do that? 🤮😳
She’s a control freak. Can you imagine if Sedat darned to just go into the fridge and poke around and make something. She’ll lose her mind. I would hate living there. She says food is her love language; I think she has control issues and wants to decide who eats what and when vile


Mar 3, 2024
Are you lot on tattle or do we stick to here mostly? Asking since here is more of the reddit folk which tattle wasnt goin along with at times 😬 they made a snark forum for the darlings lady sil 🤣 i just find it funny since the kukilander does NOT GAF🤣 shes in her mad robe with mad hair disgustinly mming and liking hate comments shes like 50-55 she dont care😂 what do you all think lol
Can’t get on tattle, iv come over from Reddit. The whole family is as batty as each other .

Twoll 😝

Mar 9, 2024
I do the exact same 🤣
I’m blocked and don’t know how to many a I try or account so I go into TikTok on my computer without logging in on your account and you can see everything. It doesn’t count as a view as far as I can tell because I need to be logged in to comment. Maybe I’m wrong who knows 🤷‍♀️

Twoll 😝

Mar 9, 2024
I’m blocked and don’t know how to many a I try or account so I go into TikTok on my computer without logging in on your account and you can see everything. It doesn’t count as a view as far as I can tell because I need to be logged in to comment. Maybe I’m wrong who knows 🤷‍♀️
*how to make another account
Mar 2, 2024
She’s a very ugly eater. There are some instances where watching someone eat makes you want to eat too but not Sevda. She just grosses me out. Just vile.

Some people just like to complain about money. My MIL owns two homes and is wealthy and yet she is always bitching about the cost of things and acting like she’s broke. Maybe Kuki’s similar.


Mar 3, 2024
She’s a control freak. Can you imagine if Sedat darned to just go into the fridge and poke around and make something. She’ll lose her mind. I would hate living there. She says food is her love language; I think she has control issues and wants to decide who eats what and when vile
And she saves all the good things for her. Even helps herself to food for others. I remember when Ela was given treats. b ate a good portion of each treat whilst Ela was in school. I can’t believe her. Not only is it disrespectful, but I want my child to have everything and more before I see to myself and I bet most parents do too. This t does not see Ela as her child, end of. Ela is there for convenience and a cushion between Begda and sedat.
Mar 2, 2024
Are you lot on tattle or do we stick to here mostly? Asking since here is more of the reddit folk which tattle wasnt goin along with at times 😬 they made a snark forum for the darlings lady sil 🤣 i just find it funny since the kukilander does NOT GAF🤣 shes in her mad robe with mad hair disgustinly mming and liking hate comments shes like 50-55 she dont care😂 what do you all think lol
I’m from Reddit, I read tattle but don’t post on there


Mar 2, 2024
Is there a thread on here yet for GG flavour / eat with GG ? Was on Tattle earlier, and saw they had a thread on her . I remember watching a few of her videos on tiktok about a year ago or so, and thought she wasn't too bad - not particularly annoying with her eating habits and eats a wide variety of stuff. Thought I'd go back onto her page on Tiktok as was wide awake at 4.17am ... .my god ! Her eating habits are gross .. she's actually worse than our Sev ... slapping away with her mouth, speaking with her mouth full- showing us her chewed up food , shovelling more in when she has a mouthful in already... and there is an " mmm hmm " after every single mouthful. The videos where she's eating out are massively toned down but the ones where she's eating at home are disgusting. I didn't actually think I'd find someone with worse eating habits than Sevda and her family... but I think this one is a contender !!
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