Exactly she should want M to be seen for M not for his disabilities if she did take the time with M I bet he would come on leaps and bounds. She can’t even keep him, in his routine that she claimed he needed to be in. Yes it’s ok to take our kids away and that but not when he’s off nursery for the least wee inconvenience to beefy like the snow or when he has a wee sniffle (these are probs days she cba doing all that driving she does)THIS poor little lad being labelled at every opportunity his sick mother has I could never! My daughter also has lots of hidden disabilities, she’d be horrified if she heard me constantly introduce her and list all her conditions alongside her name Beefy does that to M and treats him like a dog too shocking behaviour for a ‘sen mum’ really but just shows how clueless she is
When it comes to her, you’d think she’s the only parent who does all these things I’m nearly 2 hrs every day, twice but I don’t say awww I do this cause I’m a single tired mum like stop bloody labelling everything like you work in fkn Asda