Stephanie Vavron @stephanievavron

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Mar 10, 2024
united kingdom
I know her! Vile woman! Has tried to trap many men!! She hated Barrie’s daughter she was so jelous of her (9yrs old) she ruined that poor girl's hair! Tried to trap Barrie, said she miscarried his baby ( she didn’t) got him arrested from his work saying he abused her he didn’t and was found not guilty.. what an animal!!
She made his life hell. She is a cow. She also tried to get her brother (Karl) to lie regarding all that too and that he was stalking her. When she was with Ryan (from Peterhead) she called him Barrie is outside was all sE!!
Mar 10, 2024
united kingdom
Yes she did and I can confirm that is very true!! She was so jelous of that little girl! She couldn’t stand that girls mum cause she had a kid to him so she tried to trap him with a baby ( he didn’t know at the time until he found all these ovulation tests!! Think that little girls mum definitely still has unfinished business with her and you would want to mess with her TRUST ME!! Lovely girl but mess with her kids wow! Steph was very brave doing that!
She even said that on the sun article the daughter and still Steph has done nothing. Her followers are buttoned up the back


Mar 10, 2024
She can’t do any of this being a bizzy #singlemum #senmum. She’s too busy filming herself dancing around her kitchen and selling se!! When asked about makaton she said he wasn’t ready for that. Makaton can be introduced really early on and there is a wealth of free resources available! She has no excuse for not putting her all into M’s development. Thought the whole point of her doing this “job” (i say that very loosely 😂) was so that she could be there for her kids more?

PS I also have ASD kids. It sounds like you’re doing amazing ❤️
Totally agree with you. Makaton can be and its an amazing skill to have that can support language development. She is a lazy cow. Happy to keep him back to gain sympathy from her thick huns!

You will understand my frustration at times when she comes on greeting! It sounds like you're clued up and doing an amazing job as well. We literally always look for ways to support our babies. It's nice to know that there are other parents in my boat who are kind and supportive. Thank you ❤️
Mar 10, 2024
Unites Kingdom
Yes she did and I can confirm that is very true!! She was so jelous of that little girl! She couldn’t stand that girls mum cause she had a kid to him so she tried to trap him with a baby ( he didn’t know at the time until he found all these ovulation tests!! Think that little girls mum definitely still has unfinished business with her and you would want to mess with her TRUST ME!! Lovely girl but mess with her kids wow! Steph was very brave doing that!

I had noooo idea that was Barrie she did that to!! I know his ex but I know her sister more who is lovely but I wouldn’t fing mess with her like 😂


Mar 10, 2024


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Mar 10, 2024
I went to Northfield with her. She’s always been vile. One girl had to move school because the bulling was so bad! She got moved into my drama class in 4th year she didn’t last long and her acting skills haven’t improved any!! She didn’t achieve anything at school she was always busy chasing boys! Nothing has changed for her I see!
She would have been better taking Home economics to learn how to cook! Stone cold pasta!
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Mar 9, 2024
I'm here Rolly 🤣🤣🤣 this is so good all you girlie's from up her way outing her. Great work 🥰. The vile messages her no right huns are leaving on The Blocked by Vavron club are insane. Welfare check for them all. Jealous 🤣🤣🤣sick of hearing that.
I love rolly ❤️ I do have a gander now and again in TL
See the thing is, she’s giving it the big I AM on TT, ‘Pipe doon’ Vag hen, if you were to be confronted in person, you’d 💩 enough bricks to build yer own gaff 😭 her that’s all anxiety ridden but giving it big licks behind a screen


Mar 10, 2024
Yes she did and I can confirm that is very true!! She was so jelous of that little girl! She couldn’t stand that girls mum cause she had a kid to him so she tried to trap him with a baby ( he didn’t know at the time until he found all these ovulation tests!! Think that little girls mum definitely still has unfinished business with her and you would want to mess with her TRUST ME!! Lovely girl but mess with her kids wow! Steph was very brave doing that!
Not brave. Just stupid!


Mar 7, 2024
OFFS she has no one looking after her, her TikTok management will only be looking after her regarding her TikTok shop and nothing else. I wonder which of her Huns it was that went and snitched to her🤔 I’m confident of two of them, they will be “Unstable Rachel with the hat” and “Terri Loguie the Bogie”
She looks like a part of East 17s stay another day video in that photo 😂 😂 😂 😂
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