Never read so much rubbish about Stephanie in all my life! It’s crazy the stories people make up about her.
There we go. That didn't take you long! I see you took tattles advice and created whatstheatory2. How predictable you are!
So you deny the cheating, lying, stealing, ruining folks livelihoods and the sheer disregard for a 9 year old by ruining her hair!
Listen carefully Vav and ill try my best to write in language you understand... you are nothing but a free loading user who thrives on exploring your vulnerable son for money! Instead of fannying around in a gym support your wee boy in the way he deserves. If you want to be an influencer which FYI isn't a job per se then own your s admit you have done wrong, own up to your size, stop bragging about the expensive s you claim to own and accept your man dumped you and you are co parenting! You brag in a climate where families struggle to even put their heating on, or feed their kids and then come on with the woe is me sob story! You have no idea what real life is. Grow up, you are 37 living in rented gaff you can't afford and claim every benefit going yet claim you work hard for it. Do you f**k! And BTW not jealous in the slightest I have an ace career a man who loves me, my own home, mates and kids who are achieving despite their challenges! Go in your top drawer and gets some relief you absolute boot of a woman!