Stephanie Vavron @stephanievavron

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Mar 11, 2024
I got here from nothing by deceiving, robbing and hustling.
Well done you šŸŽŠšŸŽ‰
Where the feck is ā€œhereā€ failed marriage after seeing him 10 months, stealing money from charity, living off benefits and know how to diddle benefits system, selling se, telling people the se you sell is amazing and stunnin and doesnā€™t break ur skin out ,driving a pip mobile, telling the internet you own two houses, and lying about you body size, constantly lying, and itā€™s not even funny lies cause you are deluded and think you are successful


Mar 8, 2024
Where the feck is ā€œhereā€ failed marriage after seeing him 10 months, stealing money from charity, living off benefits and know how to diddle benefits system, selling se, telling people the se you sell is amazing and stunnin and doesnā€™t break ur skin out ,driving a pip mobile, telling the internet you own two houses, and lying about you body size, constantly lying, and itā€™s not even funny lies cause you are deluded and think you are successful
Yeah Vav, Iā€™m just soooo jealous of you.
Iā€™ve just been in the gym btw and ran for an hour just so I never risk ever looking like you do now. Stomping around in your nasty trainers and ridiculous bow in your hair.
Mar 11, 2024
She ain't walking around no underground!! I seriously don't think she even has any real meetings to go to . I think that the whole London trip is merely a clap back / desperate to keep alluding to her followers she's a bizzy mum . Her day will probably be as follows, quick look around shops but not too many coz she's too lazy then back to hotel to eat takeaway and order expensive coffees to her room ( when there's probably a Starbucks on site) a quick mooch on tattle and CC / quick check on korey , a little nap in hotel room coz she's eaten too much then she'll wake up clart herself in makeup and a classy (ahem) outfit with no where really to go and no one to go with . All the time gaslighting her followers she's out dating and exhausted from all these imaginary meetings. I might be wrong .
Sheā€™s there for a one night stand šŸ˜†


Mar 8, 2024
I actually donā€™t have a clue being honest cause i love my life. Think all of us on here agree not jealous in the slightest šŸ™Š

Oh you enjoy the gym wish I could say the same donā€™t do the gymšŸ¤£šŸ¤£ Iā€™m away to go out need to get few things and our oldest has a football match tonight and Iā€™m that total football mum šŸ¤£šŸ¤£āš½ļø heā€™s my fav player to watch and I know soon it will end so Iā€™m embracing it xx
I make myself go in the gym, I enjoy the feeling afterwards not the actual doing it. Itā€™s very hard for people to get motivated isnā€™t it? When I see people with disabilities doing marathons I shame myself into getting fitter thatā€™s all.
Donā€™t be buying any massive bows for your hair when youā€™re out šŸ¤­šŸ˜˜
Mar 11, 2024
Ok so the latest video where she is giving hate to Petr? That can be reported under hate and harassment!
If you have time please report ā€¦


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Mar 10, 2024
United Kingdom
Looks a complete sight.
Does anyone want her videos posted on here? Iā€™ll pop this one up as many of you will be blocked
If you want daily posts Iā€™m happy to do it for you. Itā€™s a public service Iā€™m more than happy to provide šŸ‘šŸ¼
Yes please as Iā€™m blocked on two accounts šŸ˜‚ I like hate watching her


Mar 12, 2024
They way she is slagging Petr off ainā€™t sitting right with me. He was younger than her, made out he was the controlling one etc - made out she wasnā€™t allowed to have the heating on.

Then sat on a live and said he was autistic (she used neurodivergent) but wouldnā€™t discuss it as it wasnā€™t her place.

But sheā€™s sat slagging him off possibly for his autistic traits. (Maybe he is temperature sensitive) Sheā€™s basically bullying a neurdivergent adult under the guise of coparenting and using it for content. He likes to have dinner at certain times she said and is time orientated and likes structure. So itā€™s no wonder they donā€™t match when sheā€™s lazy, random and has no routine whatsoever. She always has to look like the best one against anyone else. Itā€™s weird.

But can you imagine her being slagged off for these traits?

She likes to think sheā€™s am ambassador for the community but if Petr truly is neurdivergent, she makes a fing mockery of her autism awareness content.


Mar 8, 2024
Is she cross because he wouldnā€™t sleep with her? And why did they HAVE to share a room? Please answer us Vav Iā€™d love to know. If I were him that would be a line I wouldnā€™t be willing to cross even for a child. This post is the reason why. When anyone puts themselves in a position like this they are at risk of being lied about on social media. Just like youā€™re doing here
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