Awww she is taking liberties now.
Does she ever use these? I made some for a friend with photos of her young daughter showing what activity. Eating, sleeping etc.
she is taking feckin liberties now and I’m furious.
Where is the money going Steph??? Where and WHY? How dare you monetise autism for your own gain.
Why would ANYONE take advice from your experiences when you only started using visuals here LAST WEEK because you were getting slated here.
You don’t use visuals to communicate
You shout and sing In maxes face
You repeatedly do not respect his privacy and personal Boundaries
You haven’t tried to toilet train max and said last week that nursery would have done if if they could - you’re the parent love.
You let max do as he wishes without consequence ie jump in hot tubs and chase wild animals for his own enjoyment.
You allow him to be baby sat by an iPad (not talking about meal times - just excessive general use)
You pap him off and give him no routine.
You ‘tire’ him out for flights and moan when he causes you problems at the airports.
I could literally go on and on and on about how you cannot possibly charge for this rubbish.
I am a parent of autistic children with all differing needs, there are so many others out there getting it right so only a fool would pay to listen to your experiences of only getting it wrong. You are too fing NARC to even see that max is a person…
Try fing harder to be a parent to both your kids. Lily is a glass child, and you are going to reap the repercussions of your own actions in the years to come. And il still be watching cos you love the light on you, positive or negative.