Tammy archer @real_talk_facts


Mar 9, 2024
Screenshot from Tam


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Mar 11, 2024
🤣🤣🤣 yeh so terrible I've got a 98 percent conviction rate and caught over 150 predators most of which are still banged up. Of course ur right I'm externally bad lol
Well everyone knows that a lie because nonces only get slaps on the wrist, Community service or max 2 years. So where you are going with still banged up.

Prob still banged up in the cellar or the boot of your car as your “ive caught another one” or is that why you keep going to the “gym” you are actually going to a PLM meeting 🤥🤥


Mar 9, 2024
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Reactions: LittleMissFannyFart
Mar 11, 2024
Sam being told what to do again and doing it. She's always going to be controlled by others because she is a pathetic little ppl pleaser who does as she is told 😂😂
Grow a fing back bone. One day you'll be told to jump off a bridge n no doubt you'll fing do it. 🤔
Sam? As in Samuel Sam? The one who doesn't know what team she bats for and gets scuttled for fun in back gunnels?
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Reactions: LittleMissFannyFart
Feb 27, 2024
Oppsy did i hit a nerve there jem jem, 🤣🤣 what you can give it out but can't take it. Well that'll be because wots said about you is true unlike wot you're saying about me HAHAHA you're right it is my gym day you should try it and take a leaf out ur own advice book...oh wait you can't can you poor matty boy will be running around looking after your kids. Did u just get up hun? Oh that'll be because you sniff 24/7 n drink too.

I don't think I need to defend myself about being liked or losing 5 stone or being a nobody because it all speaks for itsself, you know the actual truth. I dont think social will ever or have ever taken my kids either so I don't need to answer that either any hooo I did warn you already so take this as another warning dolly coz it's not me who's got 0 friends 0 family and spends 0 time with their kids. Maybe if u was half the person I was you wouldn't be this pathetic or desperate enough to think I can't come here and speak 🤔 bit strange isn't it thinking u have more right to be on a thread about me 🤣🤣 anyway off to look for matts number I'll show you how dangerous I am especially now you've mentioned my kids.
See ya wouldn't wanna be ya 😘 😉
Tam threatening again. There’s a shock. Having a big mouth doesn’t make you smart or tough, it makes you an ignorant bully. You get everything wrong, make assumptions and run your mouth. You are doing a degree with the OU, wow. A plastic uni. No tutorials, no lessons, just you and your TMA’s. If you really cared for your children you will stop trying to act like a tough guy. Nobody is remotely scared of you and your dumb threats. Oooh, let’s fight in a car park. Grow up Tammy tit face