The Irelvant Regulars : Box hopping & Truma dumping in ALL the usaul Drama fulled alives


Mar 6, 2024
In my cauldron
Oh mama kaz is another one, talks in the quiet voice in miss reds etc, but generally yells, screams, belittles people, has the nerve to question others gender identity, when she only shaves etc when coming live. Was meant to have that laser hair removal, bailed on it, she is a bully and can’t take the truth. Only seems to come live now and then, bet it’s when she’s skint, feel sorry for her subs!
Mar 13, 2024
Oh mama kaz is another one, talks in the quiet voice in miss reds etc, but generally yells, screams, belittles people, has the nerve to question others gender identity, when she only shaves etc when coming live. Was meant to have that laser hair removal, bailed on it, she is a bully and can’t take the truth. Only seems to come live now and then, bet it’s when she’s skint, feel sorry for her subs!

Ohhh she's the worst.
Thinks she's so much better than everyone else but she lied about DV & other things.she is one big headed distuging individual.
Glad she has me blocked on EVERY account 🤣🤣
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Mar 5, 2024
The M20
Sorry might be unpopular opinion here BUT DG IS the biggest beg on tbe APP & he's about as funny as Delus Dark humour.
Literally his content now is his Deluded viewers paying for him to go on holiday every other week. For what he calls "Content" ... nahhh I putty the fools gifting thus idiot 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️
Can’t stand him he’s such a weasel.

I remember him calling someone ‘jihadi John’ as a slur and when he got pulled up on it his excuse was ‘I only said it cus he was terrorising me - it wasn’t said in a racist way’

It was such a pathetic excuse I got second hand embarrassment and haven’t watched him since. 😭💀


Mar 6, 2024
In my cauldron
Can’t stand him he’s such a weasel.

I remember him calling someone ‘jihadi John’ as a slur and when he got pulled up on it his excuse was ‘I only said it cus he was terrorising me - it wasn’t said in a racist way’

It was such a pathetic excuse I got second hand embarrassment and haven’t watched him since. 😭💀
Yeah he’s very clumsy with his words and stutters his way out of it, his clingers always defend him. He’s a massive beg.


Mar 6, 2024
In my cauldron
Ohhhh Irish Kelly! Can’t stand the sound of her voice. She talks over the top of everyone, calls everyone a liar, people can be mistaken, without being called a liar, she’s just full of venom and hatred. I like that Chloe, Kelly’s always looking to pop off at her! And Alex the scumbag let her yesterday, blaming her MH crisis! No love you stop them making mugs of themselves not encourage it 🤦‍♀️

Big gyal squeak (think that’s her name) she’s so irritating and up whoever shouts the loudest arse, another shouty b.

I like listening to Chloe and Jojo talk, both seem like they are reasonable.

Can’t stand Mable, but respect to her for yesterday shutting that Irish do up, and telling Alex he was out of order.

There is a right toxic gang of them tbh.