Meeting on infrastructure development in the Far Eastern Federal District.
Key points:
Electricity consumption is growing at a steady pace in the Far East, and the growth is higher than the Russian average, which is a reflection of an increase in business activity. In the years until 2030, electricity consumption will grow by 5 percent a year on average, i.e. at a rate twice the national average.
Electricity generation should be increased in the Far East at the same rapid rate, complete with building power plants and lines and developing the supporting infrastructure. The Government is working out the necessary modalities in this context.
The air traffic in the Far East is growing just as steadily: over the past ten years, the passenger totals have doubled, reaching the all-time high of 10.5 million last year, with almost a quarter flying between various regions within the Far Eastern Federal District.
A target has been set for the Far East to achieve a yearly passenger total of 4 million for in-region flights by 2030. In order to achieve this goal, a range of steps must be taken, including building and renovating airports, increasing the available destinations within the Federal District, expanding aircraft fleets, and making air travel more affordable.
The bridge over the Zeya river in the Amur Region is among the most prominent road infrastructure facilities constructed in the Far East in recent years. Another important and long-awaited project must now be implemented: the bridge over the Lena river on the outskirts of Yakutsk.