Thissinglemama @thissinglemamaofficial

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Mar 8, 2024
United Kingdom
You did what was right and don't owe anyone explanations. I do wish if they have something to ask or say they would make an account and come and ask rather than putting comments on there that looks like they are being bitchy. I'm sure they dont intend it to be that way but we can't comment there but they do have the option to comment here. I hope you're OK ā™„ļø
Personally, I'm so glad we All have here to comment. I think you're all bloody lovely BTW! We can all tag, comment, screenshot, add videos etc it's all part of these forums
Mar 8, 2024
I think that because you have done something proactive, that for some reason some people donā€™t like it and struggle to believe someone is actually doing something about Aimee.
Personally, I feel that some people donā€™t like the fact that thereā€™s now a place where other people can voice opinions, that there are people here who know Aimee etc
We all have the same feelings about her, neither here or TL is better than the other.
You did a good thing by contacting the RSPA. As did the others who contacted the school and SS. Nothing is bizarre
No one has said tattle is better. People on tattle are perfectly entitled to air their opinions just like you all are. And we have been for years. Iā€™m not sure what people expect us to do when people are saying things like this over here?? Loads of tattlers are patiently awaiting the consequences of Joā€™s report and happy that the cat sitter has been revealed to be a lie. If a couple of people need to sit on the fence and wait until thereā€™s an actual receipt of it then whatā€™s the problem? Thatā€™s normal that some people are more sceptical than others. Some tattlers have been on numerous threads over the years where people have come in and said this and that is happening, then nothing happens. So you can maybe understand why some people become more sceptical that others???

At the end of the day, this isnā€™t ā€œthem and usā€. We are all wanting the same outcome. But itā€™s starting to become tiresome that opinions are being ā€œcalled outā€ and we all know the huns like to do that. Letā€™s not make this the same thing!
Mar 8, 2024
Yeah sheā€™s Southport she isnā€™t scouse Iā€™m Liverpool and we speak completely different she tries to put a scouse accent on but uses her wool words the weird t
Yeah Iā€™m a scouser and it makes me cringe hearing her wool accent and wool words. When she says ā€œavinā€ when she pretends to be scousers pisses me off
Jun 7, 2023
You can say called out but people only put the comments here to mention something said because they can't directly comment on TL so then it becomes a bigger thing than it needs to be. It's the same as people there reading here then commenting over there about here or a comment made here in this instance. The only difference is that they can actually comment on here and it wouldn't be as big an issue or thing.
I get that but itā€™s the people who jump to the defensive on here and sometimes twisting whatā€™s been said over there that winds me up because it then causes so much unnecessary drama. Or those who chime in without actually reading over there first.
Itā€™s not often youā€™ll find someone over there biting back, I think most bites have been at the comments made here specifically calling someone out, so naturally itā€™s difficult to understand why it happens so much over here? Thereā€™s a difference between being skeptical (and rightly so) and just losing the head because someone hasnā€™t agreed. No one is bashing anyone.


Mar 9, 2024
She annoys me so much. She canā€™t decide some days what accent to pretend she has so she mixes her se wool one with a fake scouse accent fing idiot
So glad another scouser related and sees her wrongs. Sheā€™s one of them ya canā€™t bare but canā€™t not watch either for the downfall šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ pretending to be a scouser dressed like that mortifies me šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚
Mar 8, 2024
So glad another scouser related and sees her wrongs. Sheā€™s one of them ya canā€™t bare but canā€™t not watch either for the downfall šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ pretending to be a scouser dressed like that mortifies me šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚
Honestly when she goes to Liverpool (where she likes to think sheā€™s from šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚) she even says go to Liverpool with me cus sheā€™s not from there. Itā€™s embarrassing when she talks like she does. She says a things like ā€œme ed, Iā€™m avinā€ then has the cheek to say sin and ma. Ma dad, ma house. Ma car. Itā€™s me. Me dad me ouse me car. And itā€™s home and bargains!
Mar 8, 2024
So glad another scouser related and sees her wrongs. Sheā€™s one of them ya canā€™t bare but canā€™t not watch either for the downfall šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ pretending to be a scouser dressed like that mortifies me šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚
She dresses shocking. She wears things cus theyā€™re labelled but mix matches it all so it looks like she got dressed from the lost property box
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