Yup, I’ve got the feeling H probably goes along with whatever to keep her Mum happy. She doesn’t seem like the type of wee girl that’s into makeup but now all of a sudden she’s putting more than a lot of grown women would wear in a day?!
Why is their thing got to be something that can be monetised? Why is it based on something that is actually Aimee’s thing?! Why isn’t it something that would be good for both of them? Getting out to the beach, doing some kind of activity that doesn’t involve sitting staring at your face applying chemicals that you don’t need. What message is that to teach a 9 year old? I dunno, it’s just made me so uncomfortable with what the thought process and intentions are behind that recent post. Being a mum of a little girl, I just couldn’t. Our things are music and Lego, so many benefits from both. What’s H getting out of putting some blusher on?!
I said ages ago, on the other place, that she’s probably very observant of and aware to her mother’s moods. Like the TikTok thing, when she used to do her lives and H was featured, the wee soul loved the attention. No doubt, it’s been drummed into her that TikTik is Mummy’s job and how important it is