You're actually more delude than angie, you really did say angies name, hence the reason why people flooded the chat and said its not about angie.I didn’t mention Angie in Michelle’s box I said there are people on here who continuously say s things on a regular basis. I didn’t name one name but I could name at least 5 people off the top of my head who do that.
I never asked one person to say anything about tam. Everyone jumped on that because they didn’t like her. This is a delusive Angie thread? Where everyone discusses Angie? Every single day?
If you think I said them, think that I said them. Like I said I don’t care what Medusa on Comment cafe thinks you’re making. Out like me saying that people are behind the baggy account from here is crime of the century. I’ve met genuine decent human beings in here. All this Karen s doesn’t do it for me, sorry. You’re sounding Like an Angie fan, maybe a name change will cheer u up? delusive Medusa would be a good idea? Stick an orange heart in there as well. Do u know how ridiculous u sound.
You’re not the moral police youre someone who’s bored like the rest of us and chatting s on the internet. Calm down.
There's no reasoning with someone who conveniently forgets what they say and do, and you loved it when cc were dragging Tam, you were on here more than the regular posters, hmmm, that's probably slipped you're memory too.
I didn't claim to be the 'moral' police, I'm not the one jumping in boxes screaming I stand on business and I have morals, oops, thats slipped you're memory too.
I thought you went on facts and had a bit of integrity, but i guess I was mistaken.