Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

Jun 22, 2024
grimsby takeaway
She's had her chest tube/drain removed yesterday and is supposed to be having her catheter removed today. She's doing ok, still slurring a little, but her main issue is the weakness in her leg causing her difficulty with movement. She had between 4 - 6 litres of fluid drained from her which resembled the colour of the monster she drinks. Someone stole her iPhone charger as the hospital keeps swapping which ward she's on, but the nurses are trying to find one for her that will work. They think she was having mini strokes for quite a while and apparently she has small pockets of infection scattered internally, so they reckon some infection pumped from her heart to her brain and triggered the mini strokes.

That's all the update I can remember that Tracy gave last night and the night before. Don't come at me for the medical accuracy/validity! 🤣
I’ve watched Demi longer than a year, she’s always been like this but got worse each month. I do not believe trace saying the speech is due to the strokes. Demis an addict and Tracey outed that fact before. She’s abusing some sort of chemicals and that’s likely what has caused all this. But I don’t want her dead at all. I hope this is a wake up call and she stops being so horrid and cleans up. Trace better encourage change and not keep encouraging this arguing and weirdness.
May 16, 2024
abwahcadabwah giphyupload GIF
abwahcadabwah giphyupload GIF

Mentally Ill Lol GIF by Feliks Tomasz Konczakowski