Delusive angie @delusive_angie10


Very similar to me. I have suffered nausea daily since age 16. They can’t find a reason but I’m underweight and even the meds that usually make people put on weight don’t make a difference. Unfortunately, there’s many disorders and syndromes that doctors don’t know about and sometimes you have to find things yourself and get them to research it. Even then, things seem limited on the NHS, unless it’s a common ailment, they don’t like to diagnose. Basically, don’t be a complex case. Hope you get answers 🤎🤎🤎
I am extremely lucky because i have an amazing consultant and i know, sadly thats not the case for everyone, but I am my own worst enemy because i won't mention certain symptoms and I'll put appointments off because I'd rather not know. Its foolish and stupid- but we all have our own ways of coping and dealing with things.

I was raised in a very strict household, i had 3 sisters and my mother hated the fact she didnt have a son - i was more or less forced into being that 'son she never had'.
Looking at me, I look feminine and dainty, but I've done more than what most men have.. ( i don't know if im making any sense without doxxing more personal information) Showing any vulnerability was a sign of weakness, i wasn't even allowed to grieve for my own child. So my way of dealing with things is probably completely different to someone elses, and I find it hard to change a habit of a lifetime.
Even writing this makes me cringe and feel uncomfortable because I see it as being vulnerable and weak. I'm not at all implying that anyone is weak if they speak about their vulnerabilities- you're probably way stronger than I am. 🤎

Do you also find your brain just gives up on you too? I go to post something and I can't get my words out or put a sentence together, yet verbally I have no problem, I delete then try and reword it again. 🥺

I hope you manage to find answers too, it really sucks and I wouldn't wish it on anyone. 🤎🤎


Jul 15, 2023
Wet Wang

flame thrower fire GIF


Feb 29, 2024
Formally NettieNewt
Even Facebook groups have strict rules about not sharing medical advice. Theres a good reason. Angie is the last person that should be giving advice when she claims things like binge drinking isn’t alcoholism, looks at a skin freckle when drunk and starts saying she thinks she has cancer, tells a woman that said she had a brain tumour from the damage that a DV relationship did to her brain is a lie. She’s dangerous in far too many ways. ofcom need to come down hard on this app. It grosses me out
She's also the idiot that thinks red wine is a cure for dizziness
Season 1 Lol GIF by NBC


Mar 6, 2024
Oh and I missed out polls. Don't sit and pretend you care about mental health, just because you put trigger warning or a poll up! Do any of you follow up on those struggling? It’s so easy to type a poll with numbers in it, it takes seconds, but do you care? Or is it just to ease your conscience and make you look “good”. If you care perhaps message them privately, whilst also making it clear you’re not a professional. Rant over, for now!