Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

The Narrative

May 19, 2024
Morning all. I really struggle to watch Angie now without wanting to climb in my phone and well you can assume the rest. Life on the fing edge is a wrongun that contacts families thinking she's some fing investigator all for another wrongun who wouldn't piss on her if she was on fire. Choo choo needs a fing train over her and Top girl is just a fing hypocrite. A mod begging delusive t that fits in well around the pond life. Sorry for ranting but these people hold themselves so high and mighty and I cant wait for the longer crash down to earth. Have a lovely day to the decent ones. The rest can do off ❤


May 15, 2024
And now she's bashing KK for doing the EXACT same thing she does! You CANNOT write this s!
Danny Brown Laughing GIF by DANNY'S HOUSE
Morning all. I really struggle to watch Angie now without wanting to climb in my phone and well you can assume the rest. Life on the fing edge is a wrongun that contacts families thinking she's some fing investigator all for another wrongun who wouldn't piss on her if she was on fire. Choo choo needs a fing train over her and Top girl is just a fing hypocrite. A mod begging delusive t that fits in well around the pond life. Sorry for ranting but these people hold themselves so high and mighty and I cant wait for the longer crash down to earth. Have a lovely day to the decent ones. The rest can do off ❤
Couldn’t agree more. Spot on to be fair

Chicken wings

Mar 1, 2024
Morning guys ❤️ woke up at 5.20am read a bit on here then fell back sleep. Had a dream I had an affair 😭 was in Scotland and had to get back home and delete my 'affair' account and hubby (who wasn't hubby) had to show me how to delete it 🤣 do I tell the real hubby I had a dream about having an affair 🤣
What happens in a dream stays in the dream lol 😂 💞


Mar 1, 2024
They are debating DG in Charlie’s fairies.

The voice mocking, face pulling and gesturing was clearly a dig at learning disabilities in my opinion.

But I do myself use the phrase ‘simpleton’ - I don’t see this as a slur, to me it means simple in the sense that someone’s thought processes are one dimensional, lacking in critical thinking and too focused to on personal experiences to see the bigger picture. 🤷‍♀️
He could of just said your all bloody simple , not done hand signs ,lips drooping and eye rolls he clearly was mocking someone with LD END OF