Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

Nov 10, 2023
A quick update as dont want anyone to think im ignoring them x
Just want to say thankyou to those who have messaged me ect I'm not ok and too top it off at 9:10am I got a call from my sons school to say he had fallen off a skateboard and they had called an ambulance, long story short there were no ambulances but luckily we drive so we took him ourselves hes broke 2 bones his arm and the bones have perforated through his skin we are currently at a 2nd hospital waiting too take him into ressus too go from there. I'm absolutely filled with anxiety already from the s tony said and I've not slept, i am not and never have been part of any groups what so ever, but right now my little boy is much more important 💙
I hope your son has a quick recovery. It’s mad that there were no ambulances. Everyone knows you’re not part of any sick disgusting group. Tbh I’m wondering if Tony actually is part of them tbh at this point.

Patty B

Feb 28, 2024
Walford London
I'm sure there's plenty of other sketchy stuff Canadian Angie has done/said that I haven't witnessed/recorded but if Cal wants to back a creepy DV and ped enabler (Canadian Angie having Tony and Angie in her boxes and rimming them) over people that supported him and only ever tried to make him smile then that's on him 🥰
He was duelling a t who lied about having cancer so I’m not about to rush to his lives
Feb 29, 2024
Crayon 🖍️ box
A quick update as dont want anyone to think im ignoring them x
Just want to say thankyou to those who have messaged me ect I'm not ok and too top it off at 9:10am I got a call from my sons school to say he had fallen off a skateboard and they had called an ambulance, long story short there were no ambulances but luckily we drive so we took him ourselves hes broke 2 bones his arm and the bones have perforated through his skin we are currently at a 2nd hospital waiting too take him into ressus too go from there. I'm absolutely filled with anxiety already from the s tony said and I've not slept, i am not and never have been part of any groups what so ever, but right now my little boy is much more important 💙
Speedy recovery to you’re son and I hope you’re ok also 🩷🤎🩷🤎


Afternoon everyone! 🤎
I've been stuck at appointments most of today so I'm just catching up on everything. From what I'm reading and the posts I've watched, I hope everyone who was affected by Tony are ok.

Anyone who supports him or defends him can go and do themselves. It's about time everyone cuts all contact with him - the only contact he needs is with a baseball bat wrapped around his head.
Any creators who allow him in their box or gifters, who gift the piece of s YOU'RE enabling him. Let's hope he doesn't mock your Dv or SA.
He's a beast exposing beasts.- Nothing more nothing less.
Feb 28, 2024
So let me get this right..

Roseanns came on signing, angie is a beast beast beast, saying the vilest of things to everyone in the box’s!
Angies sat speaking with her like she’s a friend or something only after singing the above🥴
Angie gave Roseanne her number🤦🏻‍♀️
pearl and cockercunt both gifting the homophobic racist wank bag


Imagine suggesting angie should host a live once a week for anyone struggling! Angie would be my last given place of this god dam fing earth that I would ever, I mean ever get up in a box and tell her my struggles😐

Angies the type of person to disbelieve your D.V
Angie questioned some poor woman about a death certificate!
Angie talks upon kids!, ALOT!
And that’s just a few reasons on why not to!
Nov 10, 2023
Just noticed her account been banned ffs they hate the truth being spoken on bastards


This is an actual joke. @elfishpresleycc let us know your new account and I’ll make a video to get people to follow. You are always the first page I go to for FYP videos and I’m mad. Get that appeal in! ❤️


A quick update as dont want anyone to think im ignoring them x
Just want to say thankyou to those who have messaged me ect I'm not ok and too top it off at 9:10am I got a call from my sons school to say he had fallen off a skateboard and they had called an ambulance, long story short there were no ambulances but luckily we drive so we took him ourselves hes broke 2 bones his arm and the bones have perforated through his skin we are currently at a 2nd hospital waiting too take him into ressus too go from there. I'm absolutely filled with anxiety already from the s tony said and I've not slept, i am not and never have been part of any groups what so ever, but right now my little boy is much more important 💙
I'm so sorry, I hope he's OK. thinking of you and your own. 🤎
Apr 10, 2024
I hope your son has a quick recovery. It’s mad that there were no ambulances. Everyone knows you’re not part of any sick disgusting group. Tbh I’m wondering if Tony actually is part of them tbh at this point.
As I said he throws the insult 'pedlo' and 'plm' at people who aren't because when it was said to him it was true. He's a narcissist, his ego is as fragile as porcelain and his masculinity is paper thin.
He uses DARVO tactics against women and those that are vulnerable which is what his target audience are hence why he goes around claiming to be a 'pedlo hunter' whilst having previously been involved with an actual minor.
He's transparent, you can see right through him as easily as looking through a window.

Nolan 🎵

Mar 2, 2024
A quick update as dont want anyone to think im ignoring them x
Just want to say thankyou to those who have messaged me ect I'm not ok and too top it off at 9:10am I got a call from my sons school to say he had fallen off a skateboard and they had called an ambulance, long story short there were no ambulances but luckily we drive so we took him ourselves hes broke 2 bones his arm and the bones have perforated through his skin we are currently at a 2nd hospital waiting too take him into ressus too go from there. I'm absolutely filled with anxiety already from the s tony said and I've not slept, i am not and never have been part of any groups what so ever, but right now my little boy is much more important 💙
Sending you love and hoping little mans okay , kids can be so resilient, you'll feel more hurt than he does x


Feb 28, 2024
A quick update as dont want anyone to think im ignoring them x
Just want to say thankyou to those who have messaged me ect I'm not ok and too top it off at 9:10am I got a call from my sons school to say he had fallen off a skateboard and they had called an ambulance, long story short there were no ambulances but luckily we drive so we took him ourselves hes broke 2 bones his arm and the bones have perforated through his skin we are currently at a 2nd hospital waiting too take him into ressus too go from there. I'm absolutely filled with anxiety already from the s tony said and I've not slept, i am not and never have been part of any groups what so ever, but right now my little boy is much more important 💙
I hope he is ok!!! Sending love!! Take as much time as you need, the door is always open for you when your ready👏👏
Nov 10, 2023
A quick update as dont want anyone to think im ignoring them x
Just want to say thankyou to those who have messaged me ect I'm not ok and too top it off at 9:10am I got a call from my sons school to say he had fallen off a skateboard and they had called an ambulance, long story short there were no ambulances but luckily we drive so we took him ourselves hes broke 2 bones his arm and the bones have perforated through his skin we are currently at a 2nd hospital waiting too take him into ressus too go from there. I'm absolutely filled with anxiety already from the s tony said and I've not slept, i am not and never have been part of any groups what so ever, but right now my little boy is much more important 💙
Oh love I’m sorry your poor little one :( mine broke his first ever bone a few months ago, and it’s the most horrible thing seeing them in pain. I hope they get him sorted quickly and as painlessly as possible ❤️❤️