Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

CLAs Fish Pie

Apr 7, 2024
Somewhere only I Know
Happy 19th wedding anniversary to me, I’m old as s 💒

Denzel Washington GIF
Happy 19th Anniversary Oldie 😁 Hope you feel so loved and special x


Canadian Angie was on live at some point this morning, suggesting that Tony’s court documents were faked
Of course she was, she's an eq stan and a Tony stan so I expected nothing less, tbh. People are slowly seeing her for what she is.. A Grade A t!!
Sorry, I don't normally use that word but when a woman supports a known woman abuser, then I'll call her a t until the cows come home.
Joy Cow GIF
Mar 15, 2024
Tik tok
I came across Lyrical’s live briefly today and she had 77 viewers. Shes not someone I ever watched as I know she’s battles based (and a bit annoying), but I was surprised by her lack of views now. No word of this missing lad she is in Pearls talking about now though. Ok, any exposure and help for the missing is good, if the information is correct, but I just don’t buy the sincerity.
Lyrical gifted red big to get her platform then dumped her like a sack of s. She's a snakey snake


May 29, 2024
Why is Johnny out here accusing people of private messaging me 😂 I say what I say publicly I don't need to message anyone privately.

Even at that, so what if someone was to message me? I'm not a dirty wrongun who doxes kids, shoves yazoo bottles in places they shouldn't go and wears their mothers knickers. I'd be more concerned if anyone was in your dms like Tam and Demi are.


May 29, 2024
Ruth has been evicted from the discord but won't say why...

@SL4G do you have any tea on why she's been booted 🤣🤣
Apologies I've been away on holiday leave. Idk if you've been updated yet, but all in all seems she got power hungry, booted someone she didn't like because they annoyed her, had her roles removed for it then spat her dummy out the pram and left.
Jun 22, 2024
grimsby takeaway
Apologies I've been away on holiday leave. Idk if you've been updated yet, but all in all seems she got power hungry, booted someone she didn't like because they annoyed her, had her roles removed for it then spat her dummy out the pram and left.
I been listening in, she left herself didn’t she? Because she was demodded for muting and booting. Then she went into Demis and acted all innocent like she didn’t ring social on her. Then she threatened to doxx everyone from the server. Now she’s at war 😭 and Demi read out a supposed message from Ruth saying how she’s sorry for everything.

Ruth had the most to say, she is pure evil. I been waiting for everyone to turn on her 😂