Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

Feb 29, 2024
Sorry but If we are speaking about everyone and calling everyone out on the app, then I'm not going to be biased...What I've just heard in Angie's, about that poor woman say has completely sickened me to the core.

If it's true that Hayley lied about her husbands passing and went live the day after he passed, and before she even knew he'd died with false information, then that's messed up.

I know Hayley has a lot of supporters in here but do me it's morally screwed up if you're painting a lady's deceased partner out to be an offender, which wasn't the case, then blamed his death on being high on substances when he actually died of natural causes, and then the poor woman was bullied for asking for a post to be removed, a post which contained false information about her partner, is beyond fed up.

I would say more, but what I have got to say isn't nice, people are playing with emotions and I refuse to stay silent about it because Hayley has supporters in here.
Wrong is wrong simple as.
What woman is saying this? I've missed alot this morning as been off the app
May 16, 2024
"she goes live at the same time as me"

b, you never come off live. You have nothing in life other than tiktok. If people waited for you to be offline before they went live they'd be six feet under. 🤣

Ohhh, we're all so jealous that you sit on live and publicly embarrass yourself daily. We're all so jealous that your Mom publicly shamed you for your disgusting hygiene and living conditions. 🤣🤣

dave rage GIF
Nov 10, 2023
Sorry but If we are speaking about everyone and calling everyone out on the app, then I'm not going to be biased...What I've just heard in Angie's, about that poor woman say has completely sickened me to the core.

If it's true that Hayley lied about her husbands passing and went live the day after he passed, and before she even knew he'd died with false information, then that's messed up.

I know Hayley has a lot of supporters in here but do me it's morally screwed up if you're painting a lady's deceased partner out to be an offender, which wasn't the case, then blamed his death on being high on substances when he actually died of natural causes, and then the poor woman was bullied for asking for a post to be removed, a post which contained false information about her partner, is beyond fed up.

I would say more, but what I have got to say isn't nice, people are playing with emotions and I refuse to stay silent about it because Hayley has supporters in here.
Wrong is wrong simple as.
100% everyone is accountable for their wrongdoings.


What woman is saying this? I've missed alot this morning as been off the app
I have a screen recording but I don't know how to upload it to here as it's pretty long.
This lady, and the man in her profile pic is actually her partner who she's was talking about.
Oct 29, 2023
San Francisco
Sorry but If we are speaking about everyone and calling everyone out on the app, then I'm not going to be biased...What I've just heard in Angie's, about that poor woman say has completely sickened me to the core.

If it's true that Hayley lied about her husbands passing and went live the day after he passed, and before she even knew he'd died with false information, then that's messed up.

I know Hayley has a lot of supporters in here but do me it's morally screwed up if you're painting a lady's deceased partner out to be an offender, which wasn't the case, then blamed his death on being high on substances when he actually died of natural causes, and then the poor woman was bullied for asking for a post to be removed, a post which contained false information about her partner, is beyond fed up.

I would say more, but what I have got to say isn't nice, people are playing with emotions and I refuse to stay silent about it because Hayley has supporters in here.
Wrong is wrong simple as.
Wait whoah, what’s happened?! Is there a live or video about this? I haven’t heard a thing about this 😯

Don’t hold back on what you want to say, discourse is natural about creators/content - you’re not “hating” luv 🩵
Jun 8, 2024
WELL DONE!!! WOW!! I'm on 2 types of steroids plus 6 weekly injections and my weight has shot up,and up, and up.. I'm not allowed to have weight loss injections etc because of major gastric issues, it's depressing, I'm hoping to lower my doses soon
It’s s ain’t it. I was taking 100mg of amitriptoline, 12 steroids a day, and then citalopram and they all make you gain weight. Ive stopped the amitriptoline and citalopram then dropped the steroids gradually to 6 a day after begging to try it. Is one of them prednisone? horrible drug but my immune system is proper broken & responsive to the steroids. It’s s that the drugs that help us make ya fat. And thank you ♥️i hope you manage to reduce your dosage safely
Apr 7, 2024
Sorry but If we are speaking about everyone and calling everyone out on the app, then I'm not going to be biased...What I've just heard in Angie's, about that poor woman say has completely sickened me to the core.

If it's true that Hayley lied about her husbands passing and went live the day after he passed, and before she even knew he'd died with false information, then that's messed up.

I know Hayley has a lot of supporters in here but do me it's morally screwed up if you're painting a lady's deceased partner out to be an offender, which wasn't the case, then blamed his death on being high on substances when he actually died of natural causes, and then the poor woman was bullied for asking for a post to be removed, a post which contained false information about her partner, is beyond fed up.

I would say more, but what I have got to say isn't nice, people are playing with emotions and I refuse to stay silent about it because Hayley has supporters in here.
Wrong is wrong simple as.
I don't watch her, I steer clear of anything about speculation or conspiracy theories, it's dangerous, the rooms tend to be filled with not very bright fantasists, tiktok is full of them, I question Flanges motives though she's jelous of Hayley's platform and being used by the EDL massive.
May 16, 2024
Sorry but If we are speaking about everyone and calling everyone out on the app, then I'm not going to be biased...What I've just heard in Angie's, about that poor woman say has completely sickened me to the core.

If it's true that Hayley lied about her husbands passing and went live the day after he passed, and before she even knew he'd died with false information, then that's messed up.

I know Hayley has a lot of supporters in here but do me it's morally screwed up if you're painting a lady's deceased partner out to be an offender, which wasn't the case, then blamed his death on being high on substances when he actually died of natural causes, and then the poor woman was bullied for asking for a post to be removed, a post which contained false information about her partner, is beyond fed up.

I would say more, but what I have got to say isn't nice, people are playing with emotions and I refuse to stay silent about it because Hayley has supporters in here.
Wrong is wrong simple as.
As I said before - I very rarely watch Hayley, so am entirely basing this on what that woman said.

If it's true that she represented this speculation as fact, especially within 24 hours of the man's death, then that is incredibly careless and shameful. Being a true crime fan, let alone having studied criminology, she should know that any information given that soon is preliminary and is subject to change at any time as lab results are returned, incident scenes are examined and witnesses are questioned. It is incredibly irresponsible to report such information as factually accurate, even if mainstream media is reporting it as such.


100% everyone is accountable for their wrongdoings.
It's so frustrating because I don't want to speak for others in here but I think a couple of members don't want to voice their views because Hayley has support from CC members.
I refuse to remain silent because if it was someone else that had done this s, we'd all be calling them out.
My heart really breaks for that lady, she didn't deserve to have fake s being spread about her partner on an app.


I don't watch her, I steer clear of anything about speculation or conspiracy theories, it's dangerous, the rooms tend to be filled with not very bright fantasists, tiktok is full of them, I question Flanges motives though she's jelous of Hayley's platform and being used by the EDL massive.
I agree, what Angie comes out with is bullshit, but it's a completely different ball game when a victim speaks about their experience, and she had no reason to lie.