I’ve had 7 miscarriages because of endometriosis. I carried one child to Term. He is my pride and joy and will forever be Thankful for the care I received while living in Turkey! They kept him inside me.Endo girl here. I’m no longer suffering as I had endometrial ablation, that didn’t work, till I went through early menopause and no longer have periods. But, when I was suffering, I went through 6 years IVF, bled, clots, a few times out in public. Clots that felt like I was giving birth, not to mention embarrassment and subsequent iron deficiencies. I couldn’t have stood up to make a meal. Let alone eat. No. She’s having a bad period, not nice, bits she’s using this from the elf check and to make her fick followers feel sorry for her.
It’s not something you so callously blurt out like she did. I’ve literally had to stay in bed for days because of the pain + heavy bleeding + Clots. I feel your pain. We are both through the other side now.