Thissinglemama @thissinglemamaofficial

Mar 12, 2024
Am i the only one who wants to stab themself in the eye with a fork rather than watch her eating 🤬
Nope, me too!
In fact I can’t watch anything she does, her voice goes right through me 🙉 she fills me with rage 😡 I can only see what’s on here anyway because she blocked me a long time ago 🤣🤣 she didn’t like my opinion on her dresses for medadswedding, 🙄
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Mar 9, 2024
Just seen dud on t 😩 that’s the saddest looking take away iv ever seen. Looked so dry. My guess is they eat out in the day too. Interflora having her to promote less screen time and have talks is a shambles. Seen flash gash is in Blackpool someone took a u turn don’t for one minute think it’s because she is guilty off reading here. I believe it’s Charley is starting to get brand deals and stuff so of course Wendy will be all over her. Very random how they haven’t all been together two weekends running I bet Aimee is furious Wendy went without her. Charley is a much better mum I don’t like her myself believe she loves herself 😂 but she is clean and clean home and Ralph is clean and she does stuff Ralph likes. Aimee is always related to shopping or drinking never actually about harpers wants or needs. I think she’s got the bottle and gone on a blocking spree last night. I’m actually glad Wendy is distancing and giving Charley the time she deserves.
Mar 8, 2024
Interflora using Aimee to promote being unplugged having conversations with people is laughable. She spends her life talking into her phone, barely talking to or acknowledging her own child. The conversations they have are forced and awkward. The child is permanently attached to a screen, even on holiday in one of biggest pickpock cities in the world! At home the poor kid was in her bedroom uploading videos begging strangers online to be her YouTube friends. Whilst her mother is in another room talking to online strangers with not a care about her desperately sad and lonely child.
Why don't these companies take time to look at these creators and the content they put out when they choose them to represent their brand,. They will get no further business from me!
The way she’s walking ahead of her and the kids head buried into her phone


May 22, 2024
Interflora using Aimee to promote being unplugged having conversations with people is laughable. She spends her life talking into her phone, barely talking to or acknowledging her own child. The conversations they have are forced and awkward. The child is permanently attached to a screen, even on holiday in one of biggest pickpock cities in the world! At home the poor kid was in her bedroom uploading videos begging strangers online to be her YouTube friends. Whilst her mother is in another room talking to online strangers with not a care about her desperately sad and lonely child.
Why don't these companies take time to look at these creators and the content they put out when they choose them to represent their brand,. They will get no further business from me!
Interflora using her after she used her phone and asked “people to sit with her” cos of her fake MC is ridiculous. It’s like using Jimmy Saville to promote babysitter services.

HER LIFE REVOLVES AROUND HER PHONE, she’d take a s and film it if she could get away with it!


New member
Mar 9, 2024
A lot are asking because they know they are sh!t nails to buy. Cue the incoming nail salon 100 quid nails…long, gawwwdy, “Halloween” gross, witch nails!! She won’t answer because she KNOWS she’s a fraud. She would literally sell a turd if it paid her!!! I just will NEVER understand the fools that believe her utter LIES everytime she opens she mouth!
How can she not see that those nails and the tin man makeup look horrific?! I'm nae oil painting but she looks covered in oil. You'd think Wendy would say something!!!
Mar 8, 2024
A lot are asking because they know they are sh!t nails to buy. Cue the incoming nail salon 100 quid nails…long, gawwwdy, “Halloween” gross, witch nails!! She won’t answer because she KNOWS she’s a fraud. She would literally sell a turd if it paid her!!! I just will NEVER understand the fools that believe her utter LIES everytime she opens she mouth!
Yeah she said she’s guna treat herself to getting them done. Jack skellington will be on them. The length she gets them is vile. And she doesn’t wash nearly enough to keep under them clean 🤮🤮🤮
Mar 9, 2024
Every mum who has grown daughters will remember the phase - the one where they are slapping makeup on n trying out new styles. My 2 were very different- kid 1 would ask mum does this look ok n I’d say no love - try this and all would be fine. Number 2 kid - would throw a makeup pallet on her face, always drenched in perfume and wanting the longest nails. Didn’t help that she was our “sensitive one” believe me there were some dramas in my house when her phase was rife🤣 had to be cruel to be kind and it was a case of absolutely no way are you going out like that - 2 choices either tone it down or keep it on but you are not going anywhere - along with her sister constantly pulling her leg she eventually got it 🤣🤣 somehow I think Wendy missed the chapter in her parenting manual about not letting your kids make total clowns of themselves in public !


May 22, 2024
She could have millions and still be filthy cus she has no desire to be clean
Since she’s gone FT TikTok she’s lost any desire to be clean or presentable. Anyone turning up to a job the way she does would be sent home & told to sort themselves out! When TT ends, she’s gonna be unemploymable because her digital footprint has made sure of that. She’s got no hygiene whatsoever, she’ll s anyone or any company off & not take accountability. She can’t adult let alone parent & she looks like she sleeps in a skip.

NOONE IN THE RIGHT MIND WOULD ASK FOR THIS CLATTY TRAMP TO REPRESENT THEIR BRAND OR COMPANY. She’s only getting deals based off her follower number & the Tesco debacle proves that cos once they saw that video they revoked the contract!

Companies need to start looking beyond the 700k & watch their content, check online for news and if they read here or TL that would soon make them realise she’s not who they think she is!
Apr 3, 2024
I cannot fathom why her and H did not go to Blackpool last night. The opportunity to go and see the lights and fireworks and spend time with her 'goorrrjus' family but instead they sat and ate a meal that looked more like a freezer tea when you've not been shopping and watched beetlejuice for the 32876th time.
I get kids repeat watch things, but doesn't mean you have to sit there and watch it with them Aimless.
Mar 8, 2024
Since she’s gone FT TikTok she’s lost any desire to be clean or presentable. Anyone turning up to a job the way she does would be sent home & told to sort themselves out! When TT ends, she’s gonna be unemploymable because her digital footprint has made sure of that. She’s got no hygiene whatsoever, she’ll s anyone or any company off & not take accountability. She can’t adult let alone parent & she looks like she sleeps in a skip.

NOONE IN THE RIGHT MIND WOULD ASK FOR THIS CLATTY TRAMP TO REPRESENT THEIR BRAND OR COMPANY. She’s only getting deals based off her follower number & the Tesco debacle proves that cos once they saw that video they revoked the contract!

Companies need to start looking beyond the 700k & watch their content, check online for news and if they read here or TL that would soon make them realise she’s not who they think she is!
She’s just stopped giving a s. She literally doesn’t wash her face or change her clothes or brush her hair when she makes vidoes and ads. How any company approves the adverts she does is beyond me.
She’s been dropped by a few companies and managers too. She’s so s at this “job” the followers she has shouldn’t even be considered when she is asked to promote brands. She doesn’t influence me to buy any se she flogs.
Oct 1, 2024
Every mum who has grown daughters will remember the phase - the one where they are slapping makeup on n trying out new styles. My 2 were very different- kid 1 would ask mum does this look ok n I’d say no love - try this and all would be fine. Number 2 kid - would throw a makeup pallet on her face, always drenched in perfume and wanting the longest nails. Didn’t help that she was our “sensitive one” believe me there were some dramas in my house when her phase was rife🤣 had to be cruel to be kind and it was a case of absolutely no way are you going out like that - 2 choices either tone it down or keep it on but you are not going anywhere - along with her sister constantly pulling her leg she eventually got it 🤣🤣 somehow I think Wendy missed the chapter in her parenting manual about not letting your kids make total clowns of themselves in public !
Gavin thinks the dirty old bike mother missed most of the chapters in the parenting manual because it’s was out getting its wide dutty gap filled by any Tom, dick & harry, David, peggory, especially if they had money because that was way more important than teaching the filthy greasy fat mess that is oinking olga to be a decent human being. 🙄🌵
Mar 8, 2024
I cannot fathom why her and H did not go to Blackpool last night. The opportunity to go and see the lights and fireworks and spend time with her 'goorrrjus' family but instead they sat and ate a meal that looked more like a freezer tea when you've not been shopping and watched beetlejuice for the 32876th time.
I get kids repeat watch things, but doesn't mean you have to sit there and watch it with them Aimless.
The food looked as dry as a nuns church box.
Especially the chicken ailment got. She most probably wasn’t invited cus she has to have all the attention on her and stare weirdly at the camera doing that weird mouth thing she does cus she thinks she’s better then her mum and Charley
Mar 8, 2024
Gavin thinks the dirty old bike mother missed most of the chapters in the parenting manual because it’s was out getting its wide dutty gap filled by any Tom, dick & harry, David, peggory, especially if they had money because that was way more important than teaching the filthy greasy fat mess that is oinking olga to be a decent human being. 🙄🌵
Her mouth was full of Willy so she couldn’t give out any parental guidance or advice


May 22, 2024
She’s just stopped giving a s. She literally doesn’t wash her face or change her clothes or brush her hair when she makes vidoes and ads. How any company approves the adverts she does is beyond me.
She’s been dropped by a few companies and managers too. She’s so s at this “job” the followers she has shouldn’t even be considered when she is asked to promote brands. She doesn’t influence me to buy any se she flogs.
She influences me to wash, clean my house and make an effort in life & to avoid all of the products she uses!

I’ve been up, showered & done my hair & make up as we are going out for lunch and drinks today. Even if im not leaving the house I’ll be up, showered and dressed because I know if I don’t do this my day won’t be productive because I’ll feel s & Will want to veg out all day.

She clearly has no motivation because she lives her life through her phone & that’s why she gets giddy as do when she sees the “girls” cos outside of harper, her dad and shirl what other actual human interaction does she get?


May 22, 2024
The food looked as dry as a nuns church box.
Especially the chicken ailment got. She most probably wasn’t invited cus she has to have all the attention on her and stare weirdly at the camera doing that weird mouth thing she does cus she thinks she’s better then her mum and Charley
The food looked like the crap I buy when I’ve had a few too many and I’ve ordered from the only takeaway open 😂 Aimee could have made the same meals with all the Costco chicken and beige crap she’s got in her house
May 21, 2024
Whats our Ailment up to today? A quick rub round the pits & fanny with a baby wipe, then slap on top of yesterday's slap then off ta get some lunchables & cucumber 4 Miss Harper then back to show us her tat from Liverpool yesterday then make a roast chicken in a bag with some micro mash. Happy fing days r kid!! Living the dream is this one!😜😜😜😜😜🤣x