I quite liked her at first and it was only when she mentioned here and Tattle that I came to have a look.
I didn't actually agree with some of what I read at first but the penny quickly dropped.
And once it's dropped it became very easy to see through her facade.
The bottom line for me is that she's not interested in helping people. It's all about making enough money to pack her job in (her colleagues will be delighted when she eventually does leave, whichever way that happens!) and she simply wants to be TikTok famous. If it wasn't about the money she would turn the gifting off when she's on a live.
She ignores comments, messages and does nothing whatsoever to actually help the very people she's claiming to help. She derides people if they ask a question she doesn't like. That's when she really shows her true colours.
She bandies the word narcissist around so frequently it's long since lost its meaning when she uses it. Anyone who doesn't idolise her, kiss her arse, pay her money or who challenges her thoughts is a narcissist according to Melvyn.
It's healthy to have debates and challenge opinions. One of my longest standing friends is politically the polar opposite of me but we have some real meaty healthy debates. There's no malice or hidden agenda behind any of it. We enjoy a good debate and challenging the other to see a different perspective but Melvyn seems unable to do that in a healthy way.
She's almost 31 years old but is very immature for her age. Simply being married and having a mortgage doesn't make her the worldly wise woman she thinks she is.