Sabrinaandmygirls SabrinaJamieandLogan


Aug 24, 2024
So. Now we are aliens in space sending magical hate down to Sabrina’s phone 😂😂 give me strength 😂😂

Tell Me More No Way GIF by William Robin Conway


Jun 8, 2023
No more lives - as she has finally realised 99.9% dont care and no one interacts with her any more.
No more comments - see above

She talks like she hasnt exploited her dead child for the last 12 years, for money and for attention
and she STILL tries. Now it has dried up, and she has attempted so many things.
At least she admits the bullying is people in her lives and not from here


Sep 29, 2024
They real reason she says no more live s probably that she got banned for a week I bet she will be back next weekend. The funny thing s she keeps going on about she only goes live in that room well how about u go live somewhere else n your dirty house Sabrina and then u might realise it doesn't matter where it s that no one wants u on TT anymore u r a danger to society so you are. Tbh if it was any normal person this was happening to they would remove themselves from the situation completely she s loving every minute of it.
And before I finish I'm just going to state I have never commented on any of her stupid life's she does


May 5, 2024
Northern ireland
She decided not to go live. No love you were banned plain and simple. YOU choose to go live in that bedroom because you know people will ask about it same when you sit stroking the plastic doll. People are curious and you sit there like a school teacher telling them off for not having manners. What a sad life. Funny how there was no bullies in your live last night. Not one. But according to you they have ruined it for you. More lies.
You claimed you were distraught and shaking and had to self harm. But you were seen and recorded bouncing out to the car with your car dead swinging from your supposed injured arm. Lies again. You said your arm was paper thin, you obviously don’t know much about biology or you would know the more you cut something the scar tissue hardens around it. You claim about the staples falling out it’s utter made up bullshit. Yes you were in the hospital but not for that. You bandage was a home made job no qualified nurse would put that on unless she was blind. Also nurses don’t do staples or stitches it’s a doctor you moron.
So carry on with your sty lies and pathetic videos because you are done. No one believes you anymore.

The quiet one

May 7, 2024
northern ireland
She decided not to go live. No love you were banned plain and simple. YOU choose to go live in that bedroom because you know people will ask about it same when you sit stroking the plastic doll. People are curious and you sit there like a school teacher telling them off for not having manners. What a sad life. Funny how there was no bullies in your live last night. Not one. But according to you they have ruined it for you. More lies.
You claimed you were distraught and shaking and had to self harm. But you were seen and recorded bouncing out to the car with your car dead swinging from your supposed injured arm. Lies again. You said your arm was paper thin, you obviously don’t know much about biology or you would know the more you cut something the scar tissue hardens around it. You claim about the staples falling out it’s utter made up bullshit. Yes you were in the hospital but not for that. You bandage was a home made job no qualified nurse would put that on unless she was blind. Also nurses don’t do staples or stitches it’s a doctor you moron.
So carry on with your sty lies and pathetic videos because you are done. No one believes you anymore.

You can also see her lift the wheels of the pushchair and carry them around to the boot no signs of pain in her knees and if she has a seriously injured arm that would have caused pain but again no sign of pain. Also didn’t sound in pain or distress no shaking to be seen was loud as always. It’s just lie after lie with her she’s dangerous in the sense of what lengths will she go to. She doesn’t like being exposed so the tantrum yesterday would have been because Sabrina angel mom was mentioned so now she will threaten suicide if the bullies don’t stop but that’s just so she won’t be exposed further no one said a thing to her yesterday and people are catching on that she literally calls everything bullying 😂 she’s the biggest bully I know the way she sits on her lives putting people down and speaking down to them as if they are stupid she’s a horrible person


May 5, 2024
Northern ireland
You can also see her lift the wheels of the pushchair and carry them around to the boot no signs of pain in her knees and if she has a seriously injured arm that would have caused pain but again no sign of pain. Also didn’t sound in pain or distress no shaking to be seen was loud as always. It’s just lie after lie with her she’s dangerous in the sense of what lengths will she go to. She doesn’t like being exposed so the tantrum yesterday would have been because Sabrina angel mom was mentioned so now she will threaten suicide if the bullies don’t stop but that’s just so she won’t be exposed further no one said a thing to her yesterday and people are catching on that she literally calls everything bullying 😂 she’s the biggest bully I know the way she sits on her lives putting people down and speaking down to them as if they are stupid she’s a horrible person
You are so right. She can’t hack when she’s called out she has to keep going about being bullied and were to blame for her self harm. Nah love you said yourself it started in 2017 and we wernt around then now it’s back to blaming us.
She’s raging she can’t go live due to being banned and has to make up that it’s her decision to stop. How come last night she was giving it all “I’m not coming off the app I’m going to continue doing my lives etc. “ Caught out lying pure and simple and she can’t hack it. Still trying to cry victim. Look at the amount of people coming here or on SAM page saying how rude she was to them and how they were only trying to help and she didn’t want to know. She’s over.