Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela

Apr 15, 2024
She goes on and on that Garnier is cruelty free and then puts chicken legs in her cart. Is she fing thick? At least act like you care for the Ad you asshole - I just rewatched the video and she actually says she’s taking a stand against animal cruelty. Wow just wow. So Garnier or Tesco marketing dept approved an Ad highlighting Garnier’s cruelty free products yet she put chicken legs in her cart. Am I going crazy here or is this outrageous?
Too thick to realise the connection that animal cruelty is not just the testing of products on animals, it also extends to the consumption of animal products. That ad was a total contradiction and again she’ll advertise everything and anything regardless of whether it agrees with her morals and beliefs (she hasn’t got any anyway).
Mar 3, 2024
A stand against animal cruelty, yeah right. If she was worried about animals then all her meat would be halal right? And does a day or two go by where she isn't shoving lamb down her neck? Bet she doesn't care how those animals are treated before she slogs them into her gut.
I'm sure the words "organic", "cage free" or "grass fed" strange in her cheap ass vocabulary. BTW, I don't eat meat at all.