Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela


Mar 2, 2024
Nope not true! I work in a school and do the lunchtime cover. Children are encouraged to open things themselves if not we will help! Also the amount of crap she gives ipad kid is atrocious! We would be having words with parents/guardians! Also Children have plenty of time to eat food, tidy up and then play! Ipad kid is probably just messing around or has eating issues that the school should have picked up on!
Bedga you are a horrible mother and everything else! Stupid witch!
I was going to say, what a load of bollocks she's spouting...I've a daughter in year 10 and one in year 4 and throughout their school days at infant and then junior school- never once have I been asked to open their wrappers for them !

Twoll 😝

Mar 9, 2024
I don’t know if this will work x

I just had a quick look at Sevda’s TT and if you look at that taco video with Ela, there are 900 saves (if you recall she tastes the sour cream on her lips in this video) and the pizza making video over 800 saves. I mean why oh why are these people saving these videos. It’s odd! Sevda knows and doesn’t care it’s pretty simple. Ela brings in the views, likes and saves, which equals money.

Chicken wings

Mar 1, 2024
maybe i’m just a negative nancy but i can’t help feeling that she’ll come on, all sad, her fans will call her beautiful and to ignore the jealous haters, she will be back to doing pat lunch videos and showing off ewa… and nothing will change. i really hope i’m wrong but i can’t see anything happening with this :(
More to come it’s in the pipeline 😉 😂🤣🤣

Twoll 😝

Mar 9, 2024
The pedos are loving her content and they can manipulate the videos. Ela will HATE her mom when she gets older and understands the implications and also kids at school will start making fun of Ela as she gets older because of her selfish mother. I also don’t think Begda is a narcissist. She’s just too stupid to be a narcissist
Mar 2, 2024
maybe i’m just a negative nancy but i can’t help feeling that she’ll come on, all sad, her fans will call her beautiful and to ignore the jealous haters, she will be back to doing pat lunch videos and showing off ewa… and nothing will change. i really hope i’m wrong but i can’t see anything happening with this :(
I agree - apart from pissing her the do off, nothing will really come of this in the end. She’s too money hungry to slink off in shame and disappear.
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Chicken wings

Mar 1, 2024
I agree - apart from piasing her the do off, nothing will really come of this in the end. She’s too money hungry to slink off in shame and disappear.
It’s the same old with her when the heat is on she goes radio quiet and then comes back with the sob story
But this is the first time I have seen a video done on her and the amt of comments out weigh her delusional cult
Hopefully social services will get involved as well as the school, she can cry trolls all she wants but the videos are out their and what I have seen in the comments one of ela in her nightwear on pervert sites


Mar 1, 2024
I don’t know if this will work x

I’ve got a screen recording version here (blurry as I had to compress it to upload it)

Bet she’s fuming about this video and blocked the creator and everything 😂 Although probably most annoyed about being described as British instead of from Turkiyeyeyeye as we all know how Turkish Sevda is

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