Stephanie Vavron @stephanievavron


Mar 10, 2024
So out yesterday to get plants then today in b and m with mad Pam doesn’t have any pals to do anything with, imaging giving up a job childminding to go out with your daughter what a tragic life, I wonder how much mad Pam is getting paid 🤣
I would imagine pam is still a registered childminder and being paid by Stephanlie to look after the children while she works, this is completely legal if she gets disabled personal budget for M from the local council/social services and employs Pam (may even over pay her for a cut of the money back which obviously is fraud) hence maybe social work engagement and she’s trying to pass it off as trolls reporting her, for example if she has to visit local social work department for budget meetings or they go to hers also maybe also the reason why she has to keep her son of TT as he may appear to cope better on camera than what he does on paper 😉and that’s not me taking anything away from his disability, you can tell she’s bursting out her size meejums to get him on screen wee glimpses here and there of him in her screen saver etc! She’s just wanting her daft Huns to think she funds her life style as this big high flying creator 😂 when she’s getting benefits and government handouts left right and centre and anyway guys if you’ve followed her for a while you’ll know yeah😂😂😂 any one else her video of playing with max is defo for her Huns benefit she’s not even holding the book face out so he can see the picture while she’s reading and the jigsaws are facing her direction what a knob of a lassie