Stephanie Vavron @stephanievavron


May 17, 2024
Question vav ya see how you been clever to debbie in the comments giving it the bit I am.. why don’t you unblock me and we can have a chat? ..acting all big licks when ya literally shaking when ever I mention ya name ya fing melt .ya wouldn’t dare say s to me
She wouldn’t say to boo to a fing goose. Hides behind her keyboard and gangsta Nana. The dogs on the counter the counter can be cleaned. Her picking and touching people’s food with her fingers is just 🤮


Mar 10, 2024
She is just making appointments now to avoid the school run. Imagine telling your mam she needs to quit her job and you’ll pay her to do the school run for your own child, because she’s hated that much 😂

Can’t hide away forever 😜
Least the people at the school mad Pam did childminding in the area all the parents and kids are safe they don’t need to see iggy pop everyday but aye how tragic to leave a job to be a slave for your daughter and an insult you have to pay her I would want my mum to help out and treat her not treat her like an employee.
Mar 27, 2024
What is that? I don’t mean the teeth sticking out but the lump above the door altho the teeth are just stuuuuuuuning. All that money to change her goofy teeth and now they whole top set will be protruding even more like a bad set of dentures 🤣
THAT is where Shergar disappeared to!

Beefers wanted his gnashers.


Mar 9, 2024
That didn’t last long obviously not important to you the safety of your child that your showing him again.
😂 sorry I have to laugh at this 🤦🏻‍♀️ it’s the said trolls who are concerned for M not causing him distress. You think she would want to protect her child from dangerous people on the internet like pedalos 🤬
I scrolled past a live last night and it was a guy pretending to be a 15 year old girl, he was recording his computer screen there was a guy with the username married50aberdeen in a chat room 🤢🤮 the chat was vile, so she should be wanting to keep her child off the internet to protect him from them not bloody trolls, if it wasn’t for trolls wee M wouldn’t have got his outdoor toys ffs give your stoopid heed a wobble ya horrible Cnut
Mar 2, 2024
That didn’t last long obviously not important to you the safety of your child that your showing him again.
The reason you don't show Max is because you have no business putting him on Tik Tok on your company page that sells s. Notwithstanding that he is a child anyway, there is no reason to feature him at all. If you can't make content without your kids then you need to get off the app, kids are not props to gain views etc. Most people only care about their own kids, they do not care what a random kid had for lunch or anything else.


Mar 10, 2024
We’re driving up Aberdeen-ish way to drop the boys off to my mum and stepdads for the weekend (longest I’ve ever been without either of them, most is 24hours) because I actually look after my kids and they are with me all the time unlike big vagisil🤣 anyway, point being , might go up and give her a glesga kiss
Oh please do and give her one from me too while you are at it🤣🤣🤣
Enjoy your kid free time💋


Jun 4, 2024
The reason you don't show Max is because you have no business putting him on Tik Tok on your company page that sells s. Notwithstanding that he is a child anyway, there is no reason to feature him at all. If you can't make content without your kids then you need to get off the app, kids are not props to gain views etc. Most people only care about their own kids, they do not care what a random kid had for lunch or anything else.
There’s 20 saves on this mornings video with M. 🙈


Mar 10, 2024
😂 sorry I have to laugh at this 🤦🏻‍♀️ it’s the said trolls who are concerned for M not causing him distress. You think she would want to protect her child from dangerous people on the internet like pedalos 🤬
I scrolled past a live last night and it was a guy pretending to be a 15 year old girl, he was recording his computer screen there was a guy with the username married50aberdeen in a chat room 🤢🤮 the chat was vile, so she should be wanting to keep her child off the internet to protect him from them not bloody trolls, if it wasn’t for trolls wee M wouldn’t have got his outdoor toys ffs give your stoopid heed a wobble ya horrible Cnut
Vavs not interested in protecting M from anyone as he makes her loads of money. Obviously social services are doing nothing either to protect that poor wee man, it bloody angers me!!🤬


Mar 12, 2024
Vavs not interested in protecting M from anyone as he makes her loads of money. Obviously social services are doing nothing either to protect that poor wee man, it bloody angers me!!🤬
It’s so hard to pick up on emotional and narcissistic abuse. He’s fed, clothed and attends school, she won’t be hurting him physically… questionable if she isn’t taking heed of drug interactions but other than that she will get away with it.

She treats him like a 2 year old and it’s quite disturbing.


Mar 10, 2024
The reason you don't show Max is because you have no business putting him on Tik Tok on your company page that sells s. Notwithstanding that he is a child anyway, there is no reason to feature him at all. If you can't make content without your kids then you need to get off the app, kids are not props to gain views etc. Most people only care about their own kids, they do not care what a random kid had for lunch or anything else.
Her Huns are wild they speak to her like they know her kid it’s weird and I wouldn’t want to see anyone else’s kid that I didn’t know especially not sleeping or in a bath, she is a disgusting mother and like you said if you don’t have content other than your children you shouldn’t be on the internet she doesn’t have a life a Friday and has Botox and home bargains what a life another weekend upon us where she will do nothing with her children and nothing with friends as she doesn’t have any , someone said on her or tattle you don’t have to film your mates to show your out for lunch or cocktails vav you go to no bars are you CAN’T.
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