Stephanie Vavron @stephanievavron


Sep 27, 2024
Can’t stand people educating you can you vav plus better to be safe when you don’t wear a seatbelt plus Rachel wasn’t going on about the milk in your milk loaded drink she was on about don’t forget to get milk as you apparently ran out this morning so don’t give us your bull you stopped drinking that drink I have never met such a lying beep until now wow you are that thick 🙄🙄🙄
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Sep 27, 2024
This is the thing right. How can people be so deluded!!! She can’t even keep up with her own lies 😂 it’s ridiculous at this point. See if you are genuinely lactose intolerant you’d be well aware of dairy products on a daily basis, so far in the one afternoon she’s had mayo and ordered a bloody pumpkin spiced latte! How, how, howwwww can you forget a latte has milk in it. She’s honestly a tube


May 22, 2024
Just scrolling Tik tok and this fud comes to what the do has she done to her eyes thoses bags are horrendous thought she got some expensive treatment to help but it clearly hasn’t my god what are these ladies doing to there faces. 😱
She’s had Polyneuclotides injected. It’s basically fish spunk and it’s supposed to stop eye bags.. however she’s had FOUR lots and they look like a dead man’s ball sack so it’s safe to say it’s not working


Mar 10, 2024
Needs sending in to her local social services as another incident. She couldn’t give a s, just shows she cares more about TikTok than her child. Couldn’t even wait until she was home
Anyone from Aberdeen who didn’t know the school from her filming leaving it last week will know now not safeguarding her son and putting other children at risk,any pedo could be watching that school now Aberdeen city council need to be saying something to her absolutely no thought at all.


Mar 9, 2024
She makes out that she is this Bad b Boss single mother that is independant, doesnt need a man. Loves being single, but goes running to the nearest man to put air in her tyres. It takes 2 minutes to do. My merc would tell you the tyre pressure was low on the exact tyre, so not difficult to work out which one, and it even shows on the display what the pressure should be. I have had to change a wheel at the side of the road because I cracked the alloy on a pot hole, there was no man about to help me. I had two children in the car with me that wanted to get home. I could have waited for RAC or the AA or called on a number of male friends to help, but daft arse here did it herself.

Not so much of a Bad b now, eh Beefy, or shall we all call you Princess Vanilla Stephanie from now on. Trott on, you munter, and go wash your hair for fs sake! :sick: I hope you are sting through the eye on a needle after your treats today, as you gall bladder and skinny jabs know exactly what to do with that high fat processed crap. :poop:

She is seriously boiling my piss at the moment, she thinks that she is untouchable.
My new car is a merc and can confirm also that it tells you what tire it is, before I set off on a long journey I always check them 😂 my kids even know what to do, I get them to help top the tire pressure up, the window fluid etc 🤦🏻‍♀️ she’s an idiot… Also if you’re not near a garage, there is a pressure pump in the boot, comes as standard in mercs, I’ve even got a first aid kit and some tools that came with mine. Aww but I drive for 2 hours 😭 shut up ya Fanny 🤦🏻‍♀️ my first wee car, one of the speakers went so I went and bought all new speakers and the wiring and rewired them all myself, YouTube is my bestie 😂