Thissinglemama @thissinglemamaofficial


Apr 16, 2024
So… the 10 year old PRE-Teen now fits into children’s sizes 🙄 ( we knew that already Aimless)
All this se about being an 8-10 adults is a sshow!
What an idiot!!

She just can’t wait to get home and film herself … out of breath and acting manic
Calm down aimless and take your coat off. 🙈


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Mar 9, 2024
See that is where i am a bit caught. There is no doubt aimee is a b and a bully and everything else, we've all saw it and the proof is there. The reason i think there is a possibility of vavrunt having influence, possibly more then some may think, is down to her very manipulative and s sturring behaviour, she s sturrs to a very high level and has done so against aimee as well so she could be s sturring against others using aimee at times. Aimee does s sturr as well of course and there is a lot she will be responsible for of her own accord, we've saw that, but she is also desperate for a friend and she thinks vavrunt is that friend. She has from what i remember deleted stuff because vav told her to, or at least there is sufficient proof to give that impression.
So i don't know for sure either way, but i do know the pair of them are god aweful twats who deserve each other, and if vav is influencing aimee in any way, then aimee is stupid enough to fall for it so it's her own problem if it back fires. The only concern i have is innocent people getting caught up in all the nonsense as has already happened.
Well we can find some common ground there that’s the main thing x
Mar 9, 2024
So… the 10 year old PRE-Teen now fits into children’s sizes 🙄 ( we knew that already Aimless)
All this se about being an 8-10 adults is a sshow!
What an idiot!!

She just can’t wait to get home and film herself … out of breath and acting manic
Calm down aimless and take your coat off. 🙈
Come on now don’t be catty! She walked from the car and carried in 2 big bags! She’s a superstar!
Mar 9, 2024
She’s fab isn’t she. She hates dirt and lack of hygiene so she’ll hate A. And she hates all the Disney and character stuff in Primark 🤣🤣
Creases me when she’s calling out the primark buyers and I’m with her 100% anyone over 16 should not be allowed to wear Disney clothing regularly without some sort of mental health certification 🤣


Mar 9, 2024
Creases me when she’s calling out the primark buyers and I’m with her 100% anyone over 16 should not be allowed to wear Disney clothing regularly without some sort of mental health certification 🤣
And she ain’t wrong. The odd pyjamas etc is fine but to be dripped it in daily and go out in public is ridiculous. It’s so chavvy.
Apr 1, 2024
Wasn’t it Hs birthday last year that she had to climb over D2s boots? To get to the living room? Now this year it’s an obstacle course of wires, how can her family not say fix up you little tramp😭🙄😂

Probably afraid of her throwing a tantrum which she would. I'd say at this stage her parents just want an easy life, well her dad (or not dad who knows) probably does anyway.
Mar 9, 2024
Probably afraid of her throwing a tantrum which she would. I'd say at this stage her parents just want an easy life, well her dad (or not dad who knows) probably does anyway.
Gash gash just gimme your cash wouldn’t say Jack se to her cash cow 🤣🤣 we all know she will have used aimless as a kid to screw all sorts of dosh for his little precious and now he ain’t paying her she just milks olga! That’s exactly why she is the favourite kid - even if ticktock goes tits she will still be able to milk Greggy boy cos there will be scams galore that she could blow the whistle on I bet!
Mar 7, 2024
So… the 10 year old PRE-Teen now fits into children’s sizes 🙄 ( we knew that already Aimless)
All this se about being an 8-10 adults is a sshow!
What an idiot!!

She just can’t wait to get home and film herself … out of breath and acting manic
Calm down aimless and take your coat off. 🙈
You know when you are a kid and you want to try on all your new clothes and not take them off.... thats Aimee! Such a child. Look at me in my new bag lady coat.
Poor h never gets a say in what she wears, she gets a mini me version of whatever her mums latest obsession is. I thought she loved shopping (or did that phase pass as quickly as the skincare 🐄💩)
Apr 1, 2024
Gash gash just gimme your cash wouldn’t say Jack se to her cash cow 🤣🤣 we all know she will have used aimless as a kid to screw all sorts of dosh for his little precious and now he ain’t paying her she just milks olga! That’s exactly why she is the favourite kid - even if ticktock goes tits she will still be able to milk Greggy boy cos there will be scams galore that she could blow the whistle on I bet!

Completely agree and the way wendy behaves around aimee certainly shows and proves that she uses aimee as a cash cow now at least. Using aimee as a way to get high levels of cash out of greg is something that wouldn't surprise me either.


Sep 9, 2024
After being rejected year after year ? surely she couldn’t accept it now - self respect through the floor or what ? She said herself she ain’t the right fit and I’m so pleased cos I don’t want to have to put M&S on my blocked list 🤣
I don’t think aimless knows what self respect is and I don’t think she ever will, she’s a proper beg🤣