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  1. Bowmanswife

    Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela

    Out of interest, has anyone else tried to replicate her big flat white coated tongue’s regular daily appearances when eating? I have and failed, THANK GOODNESS!!! Horrendous, ugly beyond belief and definitely not normal. Review your vids before posting Sev, then you may see how disgusting you...
  2. Bowmanswife

    Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela

    Whilst preparing the granola bowl Sevda said "there we go" FIVE times. She really is limited as far as the English language is concerned, such a bloody dunce! Yesterday when she unboxed the gifted collaged stuff (or whatever it was) she read out the instructions for using the edible tubes...
  3. Bowmanswife

    Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela

    Oh dear. A face that only a mother could love, poor child.
  4. Bowmanswife

    Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela

    No darling, it’s Sevda who’s full of s cus she can’t pass it due to the colossal lumps of food she swallowed whole because she was too greedy to chew what was already in her cavernous before the next oversized amount was forced in. Has her obvious greed caused a mammoth blockage? Hopefully...
  5. Bowmanswife

    Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela

    OMG! My eyes have been truly opened and no mistake! I really liked Kuki and supported her but not now after this. You’re 100% right on every point. What a disgraceful fake she is like her sister-in-law, rthe saintly Sevda.
  6. Bowmanswife

    Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela

    She’s still slurping her hot drinks like a bloody navvy, how can she deem it acceptable to drink like that on videos that she shares with over a million followers? She’s as common as muck and proves it to the world on a regular basis. She honestly makes me feel sick with that and her ugly...
  7. Bowmanswife

    Mine @mine.2111

    Yes, the whole family appear to display signs of being on the spectrum.
  8. Bowmanswife

    Mine @mine.2111

    Knife upside down yet again, she’s truly got a screw loose. 😂😂
  9. Bowmanswife

    Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela

    This is exactly why I've previously questioned her claim to being a dispensing pharmacist. Never in the reign of pig's pudding could this thick twunt EVER be capable of dispensing drugs as she wouldn't be capable of even reading a prescription correctly in the first place. She would have been...
  10. Bowmanswife

    Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela

    The woman is beyond disgusting and anyone who considers that eating fried eggs with their fingers is an okay thing to do needs locking up - in a lunatic asylum. She's feral, she's an uneducated disgrace of a human being just like the rest of the subhuman clan she's come from. Not one of them...
  11. Bowmanswife

    Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela

    Bit useless really if she can't be arsed to tell her huns what kind of tea to use if they have one of those contraptions. Looks like a load of faff me.
  12. Bowmanswife

    Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela

    The slurping is unnecessary and totally disgusting but her father does the same thing. The undereducated feral animal that she is has been taught by her equally feral undereducated father. Just because daddy does it doesn’t mean that you should too! Socially unacceptable and not done in the...
  13. Bowmanswife

    Thissinglemama @thissinglemamaofficial

    The riot wasn’t the local residents, it was the EDL who travelled to Southport especially to target the mosque, the tragedy that happened there was just an excuse for these thugs to get together to cause even further heartache in a community that is still in shock and grieving.
  14. Bowmanswife

    Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela

  15. Bowmanswife

    Mine @mine.2111

    The screenshot speaks for itself, no explanation needed. 😂
  16. Bowmanswife

    Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela

    I don’t understand either unless, as many have already suspected, that the marriage was prearranged and purely a marriage of convenience for Sedat to stay in The UK. Ela’s birth cemented the union with Sedat gaining both a British wife and a British child. Sedat’s stupid arranged (deranged more...
  17. Bowmanswife

    Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela

    If ever proof was needed that there's no love for Sedat from Sevda she's proven it 100% this morning. What a horrid nasty cow she is, no sympathy just moaning that he's getting under her feet and it's only been two working days! You'd think that she'd appreciate being with him after her...
  18. Bowmanswife

    Mine @mine.2111

    She’s what we used to call in the olden days, simple. She’s a bit simple! She must be if she can reach her twenties and not know how to use a knife, that it’s held blade side down. The rest of her family are just as bad, not one of them possess any social graces. She can’t she string two words...
  19. Bowmanswife

    Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela

    To be fair, she did look very unwell when she was dishing up Els’s tragedy of spaghetti and pwawns last evening. She honestly looked grey but it must have been traumatic for her bringing back up the under chewed monster of a sandwich she’d eaten the night before as she was having a struggle to...
  20. Bowmanswife

    Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela

    who I try to avoid Mine's videos as seeing and HEARING her eating is as disgusting as her sister Sevda's, if not worse at times with the slapping of the chops and the inane drivel that she spouts between her overfilled forksful shovelled into her mouth. Anyway, I digress, if Mine is the sister...