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  1. BowelBro Richard Davies Bowel Cancer Influencer

    Yes absolutely…I read the T wiki again the other day and it’s just 😤 They are just trying to intimidate the last few remaining genuine followers now as it’s what they know best!
  2. G

    BowelBro Richard Davies Bowel Cancer Influencer

    Yes absolutely…I read the T wiki again the other day and it’s just 😤 They are just trying to intimidate the last few remaining genuine followers now as it’s what they know best!
  3. BowelBro Richard Davies Bowel Cancer Influencer

    It is very common for scammers to do this. The same letter can be scanned for KYC needs to banks etc just with details amended same for ID! My friend used to work manually checking documents and as soon as they felt that the paper wasn’t correct they knew it was dodgy.
  4. G

    BowelBro Richard Davies Bowel Cancer Influencer

    It is very common for scammers to do this. The same letter can be scanned for KYC needs to banks etc just with details amended same for ID! My friend used to work manually checking documents and as soon as they felt that the paper wasn’t correct they knew it was dodgy.
  5. BowelBro Richard Davies Bowel Cancer Influencer

    Yes!! And all still there!!
  6. G

    BowelBro Richard Davies Bowel Cancer Influencer

    Yes!! And all still there!!
  7. BowelBro Richard Davies Bowel Cancer Influencer

    I haven’t looked since yesterday so thank you for the update @ab872023! I wonder if the removal of all the passive aggressive posts has made people feel ok to post again 🙈 I am sure they will be back though lol…
  8. G

    BowelBro Richard Davies Bowel Cancer Influencer

    I haven’t looked since yesterday so thank you for the update @ab872023! I wonder if the removal of all the passive aggressive posts has made people feel ok to post again 🙈 I am sure they will be back though lol…
  9. BowelBro Richard Davies Bowel Cancer Influencer

    Just checked all still there! Either Lisa or one them have deleted the comments, I’m not sure if you remove yours all the replies go as well.
  10. G

    BowelBro Richard Davies Bowel Cancer Influencer

    Just checked all still there! Either Lisa or one them have deleted the comments, I’m not sure if you remove yours all the replies go as well.
  11. BowelBro Richard Davies Bowel Cancer Influencer

    She also really does not like Instagram profiles with no full name! Paranoid me thinks!
  12. G

    BowelBro Richard Davies Bowel Cancer Influencer

    She also really does not like Instagram profiles with no full name! Paranoid me thinks!
  13. BowelBro Richard Davies Bowel Cancer Influencer

    I think it counts as a week when it hits 7 days.That post was definitely there when the complaints were made. The complaints that now appear to have been mainly deleted after her little rant!
  14. G

    BowelBro Richard Davies Bowel Cancer Influencer

    I think it counts as a week when it hits 7 days.That post was definitely there when the complaints were made. The complaints that now appear to have been mainly deleted after her little rant!
  15. BowelBro Richard Davies Bowel Cancer Influencer

    Wow I don’t check either for a few hours and miss it all!!! The posts that Lisa replied to seem to have been deleted. The comment Lisa put on was on the meeting anniversary post not the rose garden one and is still there tonight as of now. They were not lying were they Lisa 🤔
  16. G

    BowelBro Richard Davies Bowel Cancer Influencer

    Wow I don’t check either for a few hours and miss it all!!! The posts that Lisa replied to seem to have been deleted. The comment Lisa put on was on the meeting anniversary post not the rose garden one and is still there tonight as of now. They were not lying were they Lisa 🤔
  17. BowelBro Richard Davies Bowel Cancer Influencer

    Does make you wonder….it could have just been a simple Lisa has been in touch and everything is now sorted but no!
  18. G

    BowelBro Richard Davies Bowel Cancer Influencer

    Does make you wonder….it could have just been a simple Lisa has been in touch and everything is now sorted but no!
  19. BowelBro Richard Davies Bowel Cancer Influencer

    I have just got home and had rubbish signal all day so Insta wouldn’t load all day. Thanks @ab872023 for uploading these, I just have just seen them on the account. I agree with @Tired of the BS still sounds very passive aggressive when she responds. I also find it strange she called them??
  20. G

    BowelBro Richard Davies Bowel Cancer Influencer

    I have just got home and had rubbish signal all day so Insta wouldn’t load all day. Thanks @ab872023 for uploading these, I just have just seen them on the account. I agree with @Tired of the BS still sounds very passive aggressive when she responds. I also find it strange she called them??