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  1. Call me Karen

    Leigh @xx_jiggly_jugs_xx

    Never known anyone get so triggered doing the school run. Her emotional dysregulation is off the charts, all because she didn't like how someone looked at her in the car and because some other school mums were talking together. So triggered that she hasn't even put her car keys down and she's om...
  2. Call me Karen

    Leigh @xx_jiggly_jugs_xx

    Da fuk is this position? Can't be comfortable that surely. She's getting huge 🐖🐷
  3. Call me Karen

    Leigh @xx_jiggly_jugs_xx

    Tragically hilarious isn't it 🤣
  4. Call me Karen

    Leigh @xx_jiggly_jugs_xx

    Is she hoping people will beg her to stay? I think the main point we have all been making for years is she should keep off social media, keep her private life private and create a better life for her kids (which preferably doesn't involve them getting a black eye). She won't be able to do it...
  5. Call me Karen

    Leigh @xx_jiggly_jugs_xx

    She loves to announce her departure, which is usually short lived and only 24hrs because she needs to spout her venom somewhere and instagram or tiktok are the only places she can do this without a verbal response back. Real reason is because she has seen the posts on here and TL and can't...
  6. Call me Karen

    Leigh @xx_jiggly_jugs_xx

    At this point who hasn't seen her flaps? All the parents on the school run, Dan's work mates and mates, neighbours. No wonder she's anxious leaving the house and can't go anywhere on her own. Dirty skank.
  7. Call me Karen

    Leigh @xx_jiggly_jugs_xx

    Imagine being so delusional and thick as pig s that you think the landlord wanting to discuss home improvements with you means he's OBSESSED? She also seems to have a real problem with age. Anyone even slightly older than her the old insults are thrown around. Probably because she's hasn't...
  8. Call me Karen

    Leigh @xx_jiggly_jugs_xx

    Absolutely shameless. Modern day Jeremy kyle type.
  9. Call me Karen

    Leigh @xx_jiggly_jugs_xx

    I love that she comes here to see what we've said and then replies publicly on her stories or tik tok with either a rant or a meme like she's responding to someone who has sent her a direct message. We are like her friendship group in some fed up way. It's the only kind of friendship she...
  10. Call me Karen

    Leigh @xx_jiggly_jugs_xx

    She really has no insight at all does she?her lack of self reflection and how she comes across will never not shock me. 1 - she's is constantly passive aggressive and never controls her mouth. 2 - she shares her 'issues' constantly online. 3 - she complains that noone talks to her or messages...
  11. Call me Karen

    Leigh @xx_jiggly_jugs_xx

    Unfortunately she will never take accountability or blame. Rejection is her constant biggest trigger - it's the landlord now. She thought they were friends, she has realised they were not and she was just a tenant and she's going into war and peace about how he is the arsehole... just for being...
  12. Call me Karen

    Leigh @xx_jiggly_jugs_xx

    Well her life does EVOLVE around food 😂😂
  13. Call me Karen

    Leigh @xx_jiggly_jugs_xx

    5 desserts and wondered why Paul didn't want a relationship out of it.
  14. Call me Karen

    Leigh @xx_jiggly_jugs_xx

    This may have been her downfall in this situation (amongst many others). She mistakes any male friend outing as a date and when they say they are not interested in her that was the intense rejection she feels takes over and she cannot control herself. Wonder what qualities she thinks she offers...
  15. Call me Karen

    Leigh @xx_jiggly_jugs_xx

    Precisely. She treats people appallingly because she has no idea about relationship or how to communicate and then cannot comprehend why people react the way they do. Because she does not understand normal reactions and interactions. She's just JEALOUS that when she tried to join us here and...
  16. Call me Karen

    Leigh @xx_jiggly_jugs_xx

    The 'no shame' she had when she comes on her social media to not omly run her mouth and dig herself into bigger holes even when declaring she has 'the upper hand' because of her receipts (still fed if landlord sells up you thick t) and standing there in see through legging, food stained...
  17. Call me Karen

    Leigh @xx_jiggly_jugs_xx

    Because she knows what 'normal' behaviour is? Hahaha. She's hilarious. Only reason we know hour by hour what she is doing is because she over shares everything online. Only maniac around here exhibiting stalker behaviour is this child abusing, half a shilling tramp.
  18. Call me Karen

    Leigh @xx_jiggly_jugs_xx

    Seeing as she loves to keep records and catch other people out in lies... here's another example of her brain not quite firing right...
  19. Call me Karen

    Leigh @xx_jiggly_jugs_xx

    I mean does she not realise how utterly ridiculous she sounds? Constantly slagging social media off yet uses it daily as her 'dear diary' because she has noone else to talk to. I am seriously thinking she is missing brain cells, something isn't firing in her head right.
  20. Call me Karen

    Leigh @xx_jiggly_jugs_xx

    I mean does she not realise how utterly ridiculous she sounds? Constantly slagging social media off yet uses it daily as her 'dear diary' because she has noone else to talk to. I am seriously thinking she is missing brain cells, something isn't firing in her head right.