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  1. Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela

    I have never seen anyone botch the English language and mispronounce words to this extent. Recent examples with the chocolate video - “I also got bought Lindor for my birthday” or “what one do we go for” or “one more, what one” or “prowline” - the only descriptor she ever uses is “that’s nice”...
  2. Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela

    No it’s there. She posted a video. It was posted 3 days ago with her lamb leg video 🤪
  3. Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela

    She posted this on Instagram and after “The best job I may add” she writes “minus the Trolls”. Here it’s missing haha too funny and I’m sure her sister wrote this for her. Not the older sister, she doesn’t exist of course 🤣
  4. Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela

    Yes it was me I made the comment 🙃 she is pathetic really and eating all that cheese is so vile and butter and also a brownie and this morning a croissant. Does she have a problem? Wait don’t answer that and there is absolutely no way she counted calories and worked out to lose weight. No...
  5. Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela

    You have to be able to see her TT stories that’s where it’s posted. Since I’m blocked, I can’t see it but when I use my husband’s phone, I can see it
  6. Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela

    EXACTLY THIS! If anything, we are overly protective of Ela and put all the blame on Sevda and her family
  7. Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela

    Yes, agree, but if she really cared about Elosh, she would become a mama bear and protective and take the kid off social media and stop exploiting her for views. She’s a vile woman and that kid needs saving
  8. Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela

    And this is with a slimming filter. Her face is not this shape geez
  9. Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela

    I feel like she’s feeling insecure in her marriage to Sedat. At first she thought she was above him but now she’s realizing that viewers like him, think he’s good looking and feel sorry for him because his wife is a narcissist. So now she’s trying to reel him back in but it’s too late! He...
  10. Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela

    There’s cheese in the tortellini and cheese in the sauce and then she adds cheese on top and she put a s ton of oil in the cheese sauce. And, there’s butter on the bread. Is she okay?
  11. Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela

    Begda’s vagine must smell in those pants. They’re too tight and a weird material.
  12. Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela

    She does look and act like a clown. Begda is confused. She thinks Munster is this cool rebellious teenager; but really, she’s a clown and trying to act outlandish. Sit the do down clown haha
  13. Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela

    Everyday is a weekend for her; she doesn’t work
  14. Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela

    I don’t how to explain this but she’s too stupid to be a narcissist. There must be some other disorder that she has
  15. Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela

    I feel bad for Sedation. Who are the women on the left? Are those Begda’s imaginary friends?
  16. Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela

    I saw this and thought the same thing. Leave the guy alone. She’s such a wench
  17. Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela

    I saw the flinch yes - she cannot stand the dirt related to a dog
  18. Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela

    Looking so rough Begda even with the slimming face filter on yikes poor Begda
  19. Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela

    The comment about leaving Rocco in the car infuriated me - wtf 😡😡😡 she does not deserve that dog
  20. Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela

    Begda hates Ela. Poor kid looking for attention with the mmmmmm and look guys showing her rubbery bitten egg, mmmmmmm, how is this normal behaviour