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  1. Leigh @xx_jiggly_jugs_xx

    Dan found it in the youngest pack lunch box. Which still to this day she blames the kids for. The money was under one of the lunch box compartments so unlikely a child would smuggle it in a lunch box, put it back together again, close it and put it back in the bag.
  2. T

    Leigh @xx_jiggly_jugs_xx

    Dan found it in the youngest pack lunch box. Which still to this day she blames the kids for. The money was under one of the lunch box compartments so unlikely a child would smuggle it in a lunch box, put it back together again, close it and put it back in the bag.
  3. Leigh @xx_jiggly_jugs_xx

    KK then goes to town on the MIL. And gets Dan to send a text (aka her) to say they wasn’t seeing the grandkids again. KK then makes up some crap about Michelle smacking the youngest hand because she touched something whilst there. Dan and KK has a huge argument over it, and KK hits Dan. KK...
  4. T

    Leigh @xx_jiggly_jugs_xx

    KK then goes to town on the MIL. And gets Dan to send a text (aka her) to say they wasn’t seeing the grandkids again. KK then makes up some crap about Michelle smacking the youngest hand because she touched something whilst there. Dan and KK has a huge argument over it, and KK hits Dan. KK...
  5. Leigh @xx_jiggly_jugs_xx

    Everytime KK has a fallen out with someone, poor Dan is the one who gets the back lash. Aileen then reports KK to SS, (something about the eldest being in a pissy nappy all day). KK reports Aileen back due to the bedroom lock on her disabled sons door. Poor Dan gets it in the ear about how...
  6. T

    Leigh @xx_jiggly_jugs_xx

    Everytime KK has a fallen out with someone, poor Dan is the one who gets the back lash. Aileen then reports KK to SS, (something about the eldest being in a pissy nappy all day). KK reports Aileen back due to the bedroom lock on her disabled sons door. Poor Dan gets it in the ear about how...
  7. Leigh @xx_jiggly_jugs_xx

    Then, somewhat over night, you and Aileen are back friends aren’t you KK. Now, I have said this ALL along, and I pray one day that Aileen speaks up, but Aileen has some sort of fing HOLD over KK. I don’t know what it is, or why, but I am absolutely more than certain she has KK right by the...
  8. T

    Leigh @xx_jiggly_jugs_xx

    Then, somewhat over night, you and Aileen are back friends aren’t you KK. Now, I have said this ALL along, and I pray one day that Aileen speaks up, but Aileen has some sort of fing HOLD over KK. I don’t know what it is, or why, but I am absolutely more than certain she has KK right by the...
  9. Leigh @xx_jiggly_jugs_xx

    This is when she reported Glitz and Aileen to the police. And of course, put up on insta about Aileen stole her babies birth money. Which again, caused Aileen to be absolutely HOUNDED. I believe, Aileen actually came off insta around this point. I’m not sure if any action was ever taken. I don’t...
  10. T

    Leigh @xx_jiggly_jugs_xx

    This is when she reported Glitz and Aileen to the police. And of course, put up on insta about Aileen stole her babies birth money. Which again, caused Aileen to be absolutely HOUNDED. I believe, Aileen actually came off insta around this point. I’m not sure if any action was ever taken. I don’t...
  11. Leigh @xx_jiggly_jugs_xx

    It became clear, after that. No real victim of abuse would sit there mocking and laughing and sharing their partners personal life (regardless if that was true or not). A couple of people actually came to me KK, and asked if you were the abuser and if I knew anything about it as people were...
  12. T

    Leigh @xx_jiggly_jugs_xx

    It became clear, after that. No real victim of abuse would sit there mocking and laughing and sharing their partners personal life (regardless if that was true or not). A couple of people actually came to me KK, and asked if you were the abuser and if I knew anything about it as people were...
  13. Leigh @xx_jiggly_jugs_xx

    Moving on some more….. After several weeks/months of watching your lives…. Something became, shall we say interesting? Every single time. You was live, and Dan entered the room, or you was sat near Dan and you moved to stand up, grab something, DAN WOULD FLINCH. This was noticed by about...
  14. T

    Leigh @xx_jiggly_jugs_xx

    Moving on some more….. After several weeks/months of watching your lives…. Something became, shall we say interesting? Every single time. You was live, and Dan entered the room, or you was sat near Dan and you moved to stand up, grab something, DAN WOULD FLINCH. This was noticed by about...
  15. Leigh @xx_jiggly_jugs_xx

    A few days later, after literally not being able to sleep, eat, focus at work, i called you and asked for the truth. I asked you what really was going on between you and Dan, not only for your safety, but also the children. I even offered to drive down, get you and the children and bring you...
  16. T

    Leigh @xx_jiggly_jugs_xx

    A few days later, after literally not being able to sleep, eat, focus at work, i called you and asked for the truth. I asked you what really was going on between you and Dan, not only for your safety, but also the children. I even offered to drive down, get you and the children and bring you...
  17. Leigh @xx_jiggly_jugs_xx

    Now KK, well we’re being open and honest, what did I tell you the next morning after you admitted to pushing Dan around and clawing/ripping his tshirt? I told you (like a decent friend would) that you was wrong. That what you did, was assault/criminal damage. I told you, very honestly, that IF...
  18. T

    Leigh @xx_jiggly_jugs_xx

    Now KK, well we’re being open and honest, what did I tell you the next morning after you admitted to pushing Dan around and clawing/ripping his tshirt? I told you (like a decent friend would) that you was wrong. That what you did, was assault/criminal damage. I told you, very honestly, that IF...
  19. Leigh @xx_jiggly_jugs_xx

    We fast forward a little more.. Dan tells you to go out for the evening, to let your hair down. Dan paid for you to go out, and had the kids. The same very night that you went out, KK ended up being kicked out and attacking a bouncer. You then like a huge ass baby, decided to walk home on your...
  20. T

    Leigh @xx_jiggly_jugs_xx

    We fast forward a little more.. Dan tells you to go out for the evening, to let your hair down. Dan paid for you to go out, and had the kids. The same very night that you went out, KK ended up being kicked out and attacking a bouncer. You then like a huge ass baby, decided to walk home on your...