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    Sabrinaandmygirls SabrinaJamieandLogan

    Don’t even know why we bother calling her a narcissist she doesn’t even know what it the word means. Tool she is
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    Sabrinaandmygirls SabrinaJamieandLogan

    Been watching some elpfehba today, reminded me soooo much of Sabrina the woe is me im the victim act
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    Sabrinaandmygirls SabrinaJamieandLogan

    Ah, the suicide note. And she hasn’t even mentioned the screaming in the twins face. Her latest comment is ‘I’ve done nothing to deserve it’ do off
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    Sabrinaandmygirls SabrinaJamieandLogan

    Shes absolutely obsessed with looking here she couldn’t stop if she wanted to
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    Sabrinaandmygirls SabrinaJamieandLogan

    Hahahaha hoping she gives me a shout out for it 😂😂
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    Sabrinaandmygirls SabrinaJamieandLogan

    Dear lilllian, I wrote you but you still ain’t callin, sabrina god she lovelee prson n a u all burn in Dalmatian u lebinin ppl lebnese stoma
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    Sabrinaandmygirls SabrinaJamieandLogan

    Hey Sabrina just because I’ve been sectioned doesn’t mean I’m cuckoo, gawd, so rude
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    Sabrinaandmygirls SabrinaJamieandLogan

    Me hahaha but I didn’t see that video
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    Sabrinaandmygirls SabrinaJamieandLogan

    Does Lillian not comment on her videos anymore or is she too busy having a stroke on her keyboard over here ?
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    Sabrinaandmygirls SabrinaJamieandLogan

    She’s gonna have to start selling that se she buys with the se on TikTok shop
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    Chels mchodg

    How the do do you get 500k followers selling se euro shop stuff
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    Sabrinaandmygirls SabrinaJamieandLogan

    I was just on YouTube watching a new video about a cancer scam said hey do it I’ll look at their channel and bam first video a 5 hour long video about that atrocity elpheba with 500k views, Sabrina you’re next 😂
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    Sabrinaandmygirls SabrinaJamieandLogan

    She will only give to a children’s charity if they let her film it
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    Sabrinaandmygirls SabrinaJamieandLogan

    I think posting 17 videos in one day about other people’s children says enough
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    Sabrinaandmygirls SabrinaJamieandLogan

    She would be an incredibly unstable and unfit mother
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    Sabrinaandmygirls SabrinaJamieandLogan

    Everyone is telling her not to come on here and she eats them for saying it
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    Sabrinaandmygirls SabrinaJamieandLogan

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    Sabrinaandmygirls SabrinaJamieandLogan

    More venom in her voice than Tom hardy
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    Sabrinaandmygirls SabrinaJamieandLogan

    How is it stalking if it’s on a public platform for the whole world to see?? All we’re doing is talking about videos , you’re the one losing your mind about it
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    Sabrinaandmygirls SabrinaJamieandLogan

    ‘I don’t read here I have friends who tell me’ ‘I scrolled down to the bottom’ which one is it bro