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  1. Stephanie Vavron @stephanievavron

    w house on the prairie 🤣🤣🤣 can see her running over the fields now with the cows across the road, all she needs is her ripped white dress and Harley to plait her hair!!
  2. Stephanie Vavron @stephanievavron

    Why does she feel like she has to “make the world see max”. It’s disturbing, go and live your life in privacy and peace, we don’t need to know what you’re doing every minute, she needs constant validation it must be exhausting for anyone being around her! When are these thick fs going to get...
  3. Stephanie Vavron @stephanievavron

    Only feels sorry for herself, typical she turns it into all about Steph “I don’t care how much hate I get on the internet but this..” 🙄 do off you big t. This is not about you.
  4. Stephanie Vavron @stephanievavron

    True story! They’ve not got good things to say about her either so I’ve been hearing 😂 they all rip the piss out of her
  5. Stephanie Vavron @stephanievavron

    When it’s really it’s she’s single because nobody wants her and she makes a show of herself on a daily basis. She actually believes she has the pick of the bunch but she’s like the last one chosen in PE at school 😂 nobody wants her. No decent man would go near her, who would want to be dragged...
  6. Stephanie Vavron @stephanievavron

    Did anyone see at the end of the live she looked out the window and gestured and said 2 minutes to someone was she pretending to meet someone 😂 one of her fans maybe asking for her autograph. Who the do would be wandering around outside there it’s practically a building site just now!
  7. Stephanie Vavron @stephanievavron

    I saw this “how do you know I’m at Starbucks that is so weird, so weird” - she says while drinking Starbucks parked outside the place🤣 making out it was one of her “obsessed trolls”. She is constantly on the defence. Notice how she never mentions the charity money or her shagging her husbands...
  8. Stephanie Vavron @stephanievavron

    It’s her smiling and waving at all her fans from Aberdeen and shire that ordered her make up box from china. Thank you for all your support all 30 of you, quite a fan club you’ve got there out of a population of 500,000 …the rest of us pity you 👍
  9. Stephanie Vavron @stephanievavron

    I wish someone could take a photo of her without her rats tails fitted! She has s hair, she always has. Dinyell the only one brave enough to go near that nest 🐀
  10. Stephanie Vavron @stephanievavron

    She was out with the begging bowl on TikTok to sell stuff and make a few holiday pennies this morning. So unless they were asking what shade of bronzer she was wearing or what shampoo she recommends she wasn’t replying to comments, she doesn’t care about her followers unless they’re lining her...
  11. Stephanie Vavron @stephanievavron

    The roaster is live on TikTok just now
  12. Stephanie Vavron @stephanievavron

    She’s just as obsessed as her mum and nana was gotta be skinny with the perpetual diets not eating certain foods, it’s confusing and quite jarring to anybody never mind an impressionable teen. She’s passing the same trauma onto Lily by carrying on the tradition. If she truly didn’t care what she...
  13. Stephanie Vavron @stephanievavron

    We should message anya and ask ! 100% it would’ve been messages about the charity thief and how she treated cammys family. If you were getting this much hate and you had nothing to hide why not just prove everyone wrong? Oh that’s right …. 🤥
  14. Stephanie Vavron @stephanievavron

    😂😂 more like desperate slags. Hope it makes it to a sun article, I’d get comfy for the comments again 🍿
  15. Stephanie Vavron @stephanievavron

    Her instagram videos everyone asking if she’s ok, I’m sure she is - anybody without a conscience would be ok doing what she’s done! The reason she didn’t keep on scrolling was probably because it mentioned Cammy or the charity money. Lying rat !
  16. Stephanie Vavron @stephanievavron

    How can she not be embarrassed of herself yet? So happy she’s fing off, bye beefy flaps! A whole week wow🤡 get the steaks out! 🤣 the kids will be papped off first chance they get and she’ll be in one of her burst sausage dresses single and ready to mingle before you can say MINK
  17. Stephanie Vavron @stephanievavron

    The Botox she had hasn’t lasted very well, the amount of lines she has around her eyes and the filter is working overtime to conceal the deep lines she has on her forehead! Notice she’s kept her retainer in since there were comments about her teeth aswell, you still look like a rat beefy. The...
  18. Stephanie Vavron @stephanievavron

    The bogey looking as raging as she is flicking in and out of her nostril 😂 painting her face to go to the nursery stay and play do me, it’s all about Steph show you’re on your last season you t. nobody cares about you you just look like a t showing up to play with your son in a full...
  19. Stephanie Vavron @stephanievavron

    Of course there has been, she is seeing her truth out there and she won’t have it and she knows she is loosing control. The rage has been building and she knows it’s all true and she can’t and won’t be able to stop everyone. It’s not a few trolls it’s practically a whole city she’s fed over...
  20. Stephanie Vavron @stephanievavron

    Roaster she is, narcissists always call themselves out in the end. Saying she’s going to create another page for her trolls, some of her followers will take that in a literal sense and if they do a wee search and their eyes will be opened at all the devious and evil things she has done! 👍 keep...