
  • Thread starter @AliceEvansGruff
  • Start date


R to @salves79: It's NUTS!

So is everyone in America - apart from the natives.

I'm a foreigner in a sense, since I speak with an accent.

I lived in France, Italy - NEVER bothered me to be called l'etrangere or la straniera!



R to @Manatee_Hopkins: Of course she can! it was HER mother. They were incredibly close.

What the heck do you know about her mother?

And Griffin isn't triggered by anything or anyone. She's just a badass and I admire her strength. I will defend who the hell I want.



Something is going on on this site.
I defended Kathy Griffin for her Elon stunt.
I got bombarded by haters.

But here's the thing. Very few of them had more than 10-50 followers + they were all new accounts. They were all MAGA and shockingly dim

Where are they coming from?



R to @lolagrace4889: She's dealing with it fine.

You sound like an angry piece of work, however.

Maybe it's you who needs the help.



His/her entire TL is like this.
Just pure, bitter anger.
Real person?
Or a s-stirring campaign before tomorrow's elections.



R to @lolagrace4889: Checked your TL. You're either a bot or you're consumed by anger.

Neither is a positive thing.

If you're a real person, try not being so hateful.



R to @DHK0120: I'm starting to feel the same.

I returned only 3 weeks ago from a hiatus and it was wonderful.

Now I feel like I'm back in the Trump days where you couldn't even voice an opinion without being attacked personally.

Also I am convinced he's manipulating who can see who.



R to @TonyEva92385840: It's just that words are just labels. Semantics.

I call myself an actress, not actor. for some people that's offensive and they don't even know why they think that.

I feel the same about the word "feminist". Do I have to say I am one in order to care about women's rights?



R to @kneurotnik: "You're ridiculous"
"Get over yourself"

You're just proving my point, dude.
It's my opinion and it you want to discuss then go ahead, but you're just calling me names.

That's not going to resole anything.



R to @seerutkchawla: I totally agree.
This is one of the most important tweets I've seen in a long time.



R to @zibellsharpwin: She's horrible!
She called a bunch of names and then told me it would be best that I left twitter.

So I checked her out. (or him)

Every single post is a rabid, racist, transphobic, angry, attack on something somebody has written.



R to @TonyEva92385840: I seriously don't mind the male endings.

But as a nation (or at least the Anglo-speaking nations) we can't seem to decide if it's insulting to say "fireman" for everybody, or if we SHOULD be abolishing "manageress" and "actress" and using the male.

I mean - make your minds up!



R to @lolagrace4889: "How my life has been playing out"

What is that supposed to mean?



R to @Ruthie_Snook: Holy cow when did you find this?
It doesn't even make sense.

We NEED a word to distinguish our mother tongue from a language we're learning. Who is offended, exactly?

What do you think Ruthie? You're one of my go-to people for conundrums like this.



R to @kneurotnik: I think maybe the followers comment I meant was unkind and I didn't mean people like you who have been on for ages and don't give a s about followers.
I meant the ones who have no picture, no name, 8 followers and the account was made this month - so I apologize for that.



R to @AliceEvansGruff: I went through a very public divorce and came off twitter because I was being verbally attacked by what seemed like hundreds of these no name, gray face long number people and I discovered there were companies you can get to do this.

I don't know if that's happening now, but -



R to @AliceEvansGruff: - you seem like a very thoughtful and decent chap and I did not mean to include you in my tweet about bots.



R to @MLMPrivate: Hey Baseball - explain this to me like I was 13 - you and Lupine are both so smart I want to understand the two sides