
  • Thread starter @AliceEvansGruff
  • Start date


R to @BigHairyJack: Pandemic has totally messed with everything. (and divorce)

Haven't been back for 3 years. I feel kind of isolated for the first time. Also I feel bad for the kids - they haven't had a vacation in 3 years - or even left Cali.

Anyway vent over! You're sweet. Thanks for asking.



R to @Pandock_Saint: You have GOT to be kidding.

I live in a small house with construction on both sides that has been going on for years. There are regularly squatters who wander into our yard.

I am on my own with my kids. I have no money AT ALL. Los Angeles makes me happy, that's all



R to @TonyEva92385840: I think I get that.

Two things you mostly have to do awake - childbirth and dental work.

Theoretically, I think I would rather give birth once a month than have dental work once a month. (the sort the lasts hours)



R to @MLMPrivate: I was in the room with Ioan and I can tell you it was terrifying to watch.



R to @TonyEva92385840: There's lots of them and they're all the same.

It's super interesting.



R to @Outcast20004: I've been here 20 years and NEVER has a policeman given me a present.



R to @BoxingWhatIfs: Why would I want to convince either myself or people on twitter?

It's just how I feel.
If I wasn't happy I would move.



R to @Keystone_Kulak: I don't agree with your politics but that is one hell of a beautiful picture!



R to @TonyEva92385840: I've blocked about 60 knobs tonight.

They were all the same! Low follower count, mostly male, in lust with Elon, irrational hatred for Kathy Griffin, and a TL of puerile nasty jabs at any Democrat trying to make a point.

No actual tweets, just infantile replies. Bizarre



R to @TonyEva92385840: it's ok I just replied to yours.

Couldn't work out if you had just woken up or were still trying to get to sleep.

So I didn't want to ping you awake just when you'd drifted off. Thank god I didn't!



R to @Keystone_Kulak: It IS very hot! In certain places. But it is gorgeous - not quite like Appalachia but hey.. can't win them all!

I do feel it's unjust maligned somet. I like SoCal, but I also made a movie in Nevada City - right up in the north where it was snowing - and people were adorable