
  • Thread starter @AliceEvansGruff
  • Start date


R to @TonyEva92385840: Not forever my angel. You have been so strong and so courageous. Remember - one of my close friends has had her mum's kidney for 23 years and she works all the time all over and has a very full life.

Don't want to mention her name cos it's private. But that's gonna be you!



R to @AliceEvansGruff: Also they ALL keep telling me to stay away from twitter.

I just wonder if the check sheet from Moscow maybe had that specifically written on it?

Hilarious that they think that somebody would leave twitter because they were TOLD to!



R to @MLMPrivate: Me too. I've never had much respect for authority. Or fear of it.

If somebody earns my respect I am loyal to the hilt. But those who use their power to belittle others - makes me mad.

My ex ended up refusing to go through the TSA with me. I can't watch anyone be talked down to



R to @Manatee_Hopkins: You're too pussy to show your face or your name.

That says it all. 😂



R to @jukebox60: She certainly does!

And so do you by what I've seen on your TL! ❤️



R to @Manatee_Hopkins: Nah. You called Elliott Page a woman.

It's not even funny.

Nobody except me even replies to you!



R to @bennywarren: Of course we didn't...

We're just both a bit old and doolally..



R to @TonyEva92385840: Time Line.

Looking back through what a person has tweeted in the past. Go to their profile and click on "tweets and replies"